
Friday, March 18, 2011

For Japan With Love

We're all heartbroken by the disaster in Japan. To all of our friends, family, colleagues, and coworkers in Japan, we wish you all well and pray for a speedy recovery. We pledged what we could to ShelterBox. We pray all donations will bring hope to those that were affected, and to let them know the world is watching and praying for them. Please participate in a day of silence for the victims of Japan.

Images are from boston

The lovely ladies from UtterlyEngaged and Ever Ours have recently launched a fundraiser to help the victims of Japan via Shelter Box

ShelterBox was one of THE first organizations asked by Japan to help and were on hand on the Saturday after the quake. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items.


  1. I was browsing your website while shopping online and saw this post - which was co-started by my sister. I'm so happy that so many people have gotten involved with this, thanks for helping to spread the word and the love!

  2. Hi. Please, could you say me how you do that straight line of links? (“about”, “new arrivals” …) If you will answer me: thanks very much! It is very important for me. :) Sorry for mine english skills.
    Your blog is really great! :)

  3. hello all at ruche! just wanted to stop by and say thank you EVER so much for helping us spread the word and for donating too! truly appreciate it!! xoxo, Lydia


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