
Monday, February 20, 2012

Picture This: Digital Washi Tape

Hello, I'm Shannon from Little Luck Tree. Here's a fun photoshop tutorial for adding digital washi tape to your images. For this tutorial, I used a great Tape Strip Freebie from Pugly Pixel found here.

The first thing you need to do is open your image in photoshop and make the canvas bigger to make space for your tape.

Select "Image" --> "Canvas Size" and add space just to the "Height". In the "Anchor" box, click the bottom center box. (Note: If you'll be adding tape to different sides of your image, leave the "Anchor" box centered, and add space to both the "Height" & "Width")

Open the washi tape image you want in a new photoshop file. Select the "Magic Wand" tool and check the "Contiguous" box. Then click on the washi tape image you want. (Note: You may have to adjust the tolerance level or click a few places until the entire strip is selected.)

Once you've selected the tape, copy it and paste it onto your original photo.

Now adjust the size and location of your tape. I like to use the Command+T (Control+T for PC users) shortcut; it will allow you to size and rotate the tape. I like to make it slightly tilted--it gives it more of a messy-tape feel!

In the "Layers" tab, adjust the Opacity of the tape to show a hint of the photo underneath.

That's it! Play with using different colors and textures of the tape, layer pieces, and have fun! It's such an easy way to jazz up your image.

For more tips and tutorials, come visit me at Little Luck Tree!


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  1. Oh that is too cute! Thanks for sharing!
    xo Heather

  2. Neat project! I also think that dress is the cutest thing!

  3. Awesome tutorial! Thanks!


  4. Awesome. Thank you for tutorial, i will try it.

  5. Thank you for sharing this!! I love it!!

  6. Please tell me where can i buy these incredible shoes?

  7. seems easy enough! i love pugly pixel! she has the best freebies for photoshop.

  8. I love this idea, and Shannon's blog, too <3


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