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Check out New Arrivals for the Week!

1 – 200 of 270 Newer› Newest»"Just go for it!" - Best Mom in the World
Smile as much as you can, you never know who's day you can brighten.
Don't put metal in the microwave!
"Arguments are usually just the result of unfulfilled expectations." - not exactly a happy thought but one that often helps put things in perspective. :)
If art is what you want to do, do it. I'll love you always even if you live in a cardboard mansion-Mom
love my mama :]
My mom has always taught me to be my own person and not follow the crowd.
the grass is not going to be greener on the other side...she was talking about my boyfriend (now husband) and she was SO right:)
Always wear clean underwear.
Also...You win more bees with honey than vinegar.
My mom was a victim of verbal abuse. For years, she stayed with my father because she felt it was best my sister and me to have our father in our life. However, she then realized that that situation would not work out.
She taught me that you must learn your limitations. Don't try to endure things if in the long run they will not benefit you. She's a strong woman, my mother.
never leave the house without a smile, faith in a good world, and a little perfume. :]
"Stop whining." =)
"It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice" -- grandma!!
A smile and kindness costs nothing, so use them whenever you can. Im a nurse and always remember this when caring for patients.
Also, im having a giveaway if you are interested in entering :)
Losing my mom has been the hardest thing I've ever had to endure, but she always taught me that "Life is a lesson in itself. And that it was always worth a try." Her love and advice has carried me forward and will definitely be things I hand down to my children. :)
In a tough talking Korean accent...
"What comes around goes around....Karma will bite you in the ass so be a good person."
Thanks Mom!
Too much to mention, but one of my favourites "Never buy anything on sale that you wouldn't have bought at full price."
I grew up with a "gifted" older brother who always seemed to be better at everything than me growing up (at least in my mind). She would constantly be reminding me to "stop comparing myself to others, we are each unique and have our own talents. It would be boring if we were all good at the same things." :) I love my momma!
The best advice I ever got from my mom was to be happy. Maybe it looks like a simpel thing to say but actually my mom was dying at that point. I lost her from cancer, 2 years ago. And just the simple word 'stay happy' has made my life very different these days.
as i was growing up, in elementary school, etc. my mom always said "be nice to all the boys, even if you don't like them now, they change a lot when they get older. they may be the hottest most successful ones later."
haha not entirely inspirational, but funny and true to a point. lol.
*'It's not where you start from, it's how you finish!'*
said to me during moments of struggle in front of a nice warm mug of cocoa
The best advice my mom ever gave me was to play hard and not worry about winning. She would always tell me to be myself and that being competitive was ok and that winning was ok too. She inspired me to practice and play wiht all myheart.
"If you don't have your health, you don't have anything!"
Love her!
"If he makes you cry, he isn't worth it".
The best advice was to always tell the truth no matter what. It is hard but I try to do my best :)
Thanks for the chance.
"Always be true to yourself"
Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.
ah mine is about worry too!
my mom would always say "worrying doesn't solve anything" since i've always tended to worry too much.
Renee E.
I tend to worry about my hair, since I always try new haircuts. When I leave with another cut that doesn't really look as I hoped, my mom says that "On a pretty girl every haircut looks beautiful" and that's really sweet of her. :)
My mother always told me "If a guy breaks up with you he will always come crawling back. Don't ever take him back."
Do your best, no better no worse. Any given day is different, too. And if your best does not meet expectations on that day, take a nap. Those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind. No thing can make you happy. Happiness is a state of mind, and it comes from within. You are your toughest critic, so don't let expectations of others get you down. You are out there to improve yourself as a individual, and to be kind and compassionate towards the people around you. Take a deep breath, and forgive yourself when you feel like you've "failed". Anger and hatred fulfilled anyone in the end. It's a contagious disease that strikes with no warning. Live simply and practically with a level-headed mindset, and you can't go wrong.
My mom always let me be me. That was the best! She always encouraged me, I don't think she's ever told me I couldn't do something. Best advice would have to be to just go for it!
You must always be self-sufficient. You can't depend on anyone but yourself.
Never forget that in the end, you are the one that decides how your life will turn out and you are the only one that will take care of yourself. Be strong and self sufficient, and you can do anything.
"Kill them with kindness."
"Always leave the house looking your best, because you never know when you'll run into the Queen of England."
"Don't talk back and don't dress like a hooker!" (a rather colorful way to describe the only two rules at our house: respect others, respect yourself).
Have love in everything you do, and you won't regret it!! :)
always take your makeup off before you go to bed.
My mom taught me to say "I'm sorry" when having a disagreement with a friend, even if I don't think I'm in the wrong. It keeps me humble, even though I'm naturally a bit more stubborn! =) Thanks Mom!!
My momma always told me "never be good at something you don't want to do more than once". hence the reason my boyf thinks I am a horrid omelet maker. Seriously one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received.
(This is pretty good compared to my dad's advice Don't smoke & never keep a dog in your house)
It will get easier
My mother always said "Never write anything down you don't want someone to see."
The best thing my mother ever taught me was "kill 'em with kindness." It applies to all aspects of life, but I've learned more everyday that it has really helped me in business. People may not like you (because they are intimidated by you or whatever the case may be), but it will drive them even crazier if they don't like you and you're super kind to them!
"Think with your head b/c your heart can mislead you"
I know this is usually true of relationships...people confuse lust with love.
Renee- reneealam@verizon.net
"Trust your instincts!"
Happy Mother's Day!
Kylie Woodley
"Everything in Moderation"
Jennifer Adams
My mom has always told me to be real and genuine. Great advice!
Hillary Shea
"It doesn't matter what people think of you, but in the end is what you think of you."
"Bloom where you're planted"
aka, make the best of whatever circumstances life hands you.
Thanks mom, I love you!
"Persevere in spite of!" and "Never argue with an unarmed opponent."
She always said the last one with a wink, too.
just keep going for what you love.
never go to bed angry
"Negativity breeds negativity." The more you focus on the negative the more you see and the more you spread it to others. A positive, encouraging attitude can brighten the dullest of days. Thanks mom, for always seeing the positive in me ;)
my mom always told me not everyone would like what i did, but as long as i loved it and it wasnt hurting anyone, then i should just go for it.
always stay possitive, think on the happy side, and trust your heart. Dani Beth
I love her quotes - "Rejection is God's form of protection." and "God has no grandchildren."
Lastly the most influential - "Time bares all things."
They have all turned up true in life - so now I share them with my children.
"A place for everything and everything in its place!"
Always keep developing your talents, no matter how old or busy you get!
2 things:
"Always keep a little mystery about you."
"It's better to stay up late and finish something than trying to finish it in the morning."
always wear sunscreen =)
-Jessica @ http://cadencesmama.blogspot.com
to love. that love is the healer of all wounds. and after losing her to a battle cancer, i realize now, that they only thing that sets my heart at rest, is love. the love of life she carried with her, has been passed down to me. love. is all you need.
Find what you really love and do it. Then will bring the bandaids if its necesary.
Christie Checo
I am a worry wart and a crybaby by nature while my mom is quite the opposite. She has always told me not to cry over spilt milk because there is nothing you can do about it but clean it up! =) This has taught me to focus more on coming up with solutions for problems then dwelling on the problems at hand! I would LOVE to win this giveaway!
"Normal is a setting on the dryer." I love this quote by my mom and use it often!
"you are a brown paper package. you need to put on a red bow before you leave the house. aka. go put some lipstick on"
"No man is unattainable; he simply hasn't met you yet."
I find this as hilarious at 28 as I did when she told me this at age 5. Thanks mom!
When I became engaged to my now husband, I told my mother that I wanted my relationship with him to be 50/50, with each of us putting in 50% of the effort to make it work.
My mother, who is very wise, said that 50/50 was an admirable goal for any relationship, especially a marriage, but to keep in mind that '50/'50' was an average, not a daily condition. Some days -- and even some weeks or months -- she said, it may be 80/20; on others it may be 30/70.
The best relationships, she told me, are those where neither person keeps track.
Be yourself ( :
A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com
The greatest thing my Mama taught me was without words...by always showing me love & patience...she helped me to in turn be a better mama! Best gift ever! :)
Keep a bank account in your own name (when married). You should have something of your own that your husband doesn't have any say about!
'a person has to love themself, before they can truly love anyone else.'
While talking about the fact that people never change, my mom said something to me that I will always remember, "Zebras never change their stripes."
"Wet leaves are like ice." Perhaps not the "best" of all her wisdom but it's the one that makes me chuckle the most..and it's true. :)
-Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose
never go to bed angry! and by the way I am IN LOVE with all of your things!
Some things no-one else can decide for you. And they shouldn't!
- Melissa
The best advice my mom ever gave me was in regards to men.
She said, "don't ever settle"
And she was so right. I was until I was 33 to get married, and I couldn't have found a better man!
Thanks momma! Love you!
"If you're having a bad day, put on a really cute pair of matching undies and bra- nobody will be able to see them but they will cheer you up through the day!"
There are two pieves of advice that got me through nearly every situation.
Do what you are afraid of." and "What Goes around Comes around." To this day, when I need encouragement, I reall these words and off I go!
Hi this is Jennifer A.
My Mom always tells me to have an emergency savings. I have gotten myself in many dilemmas where I was thankful for her advice.
Whenever I am going through rough times and I talk to my mom about it, she patiently hears me out and says a million perfect things that make me feel better.
One of my favorites is
"Put on your red dress and a smile."
Or, in other words, life goes on, and you'll feel better if you face it with confidence. she's a good mommy.
Kill 'em with kindness
things always look better in the morning
The best advise my MOM gave me is "Ã… happy, healthy marriage makes happy, healthy children!"
It wasn't so much what she said, but what she didn't say and lived instead. My mom never wore make-up, never complained about her clothing, never commented on her weight, and never talked about other women that we knew or passed by on the street. From her example, I learned to be happy with the way I am and to love myself for what's on the inside. I learned not to judge and that I didn't need makeup to feel pretty. I have a healthy body image and lots of self-confidence, due in part to my wonderful mom and the example she set.
Slightly pessimistic point of view, but very valid advice:
"Be careful what you wish for"
"Put sh*t in one hand, and what you want in the other, see which fills up faster!" (usually in response to some frivolous material item we had wanted)
Gotta love mom =)
Small kindnesses can go a long, long way.
I love my sweet mom!
She told me: "Follow your dreams and trust your heart"
Thanks to her advice, I'm living my dream now :)
"Bleach everything."
I am a mother of two now and the absolute most important thing my mother told me was two fold:
ALWAYS ALWAYS follow your dreams; don't let anyone tell your it's crazy or you can't do it...and with that always show love and compassion toward others. Following your dreams should never include stepping on others or tearing them down.
My daughters know that I love them EVERYday! And I am running a website and launching a magazine. Some thought it was crazy or a silly dream, but it's well on it's way!
My mom is not with us any more..but being 1 out of 9 kids....she gave us plenty advice! : )
She always told us girls: Never the house without your lipstick on! She says it always made her feel good even on a bad day~
You've got to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. But just kiss them - you're a lady.
Never leave the house without perfume, earrings, and a smile.
Don't let anyone walk on you, but also learn when to back down and say sorry.
The best advice my Mom gave me wasn't given verbally. It was given to me through her actions and attitude, every day. Be strong, respectful, silly, and loving. That's what I took from my Mom and what I now give to my own children, every day. Thank you Mom.
~Lori H., Eagle, WI
My mom told me to pay attention to the way a boy treats his mom, because he'll treat his wife the same way. SO glad I listened and observed, my hubby treats his mom like a princess, and treats me like his QUEEN. :)
"You can be strong and kind. Those are not mutually exclusive things."
Never date a man who doesn't love his mother.
Sarah Louise
My mom told me once that even though it may be stormy, the sun will eventually come out.
She taught to me hang in there when life gets hard and just to always remember that happier times are ahead. You have to go through the bad to be able to appreciate the good.
Feliz Dia De Las Madres Mama! :)
Grace Hart
It's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it.
My mom always told me to never settle. For a job, for a man, for anything.
I love my mom!
"She may have a big diamond on her finger and a Louis Vuitton on her arm, but she probably has holes in her underwear. Never judge a book by it's cover. Things aren't always what they seem on the outside...and pretty on the outside doesn't always mean pretty on the inside too.
"oh, and don't go out with wet hair or you'll catch a cold."
Love all you can during your lifetime.
Every woman writes her own price tag...Great advice, and so, so true!!
Leslie R.
The grass is NOT always greener on the other side!
Ashley J
"Don't get married before you're 30." But now she's itching for me and my long-term boyfriend to tie the knot! (I'm 28 - still got a couple years to go, mom!)
"Everything in moderation" - it applies to (almost) everything!
"Life doesn't get better it just gets different,.. there will always be hard parts"
Amanda Lakin
"Always make your bed first, if you don't get anything else done in the day at least you can go to sleep"
Calley F.
"I can't wait until you have a child just like you" -- maybe more of fortune telling rather than advice...but she was right.
"If they are whispering every time you see them talking with someone, they aren't someone you want to be talking to." <3
My mom has taught me how to be face life with a smile. Her patience has been an example for me to follow. I couldn't have asked for a better mom!
"Whatever you do, always give your best"
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
I got my big mouth from her!
My mother always told me to enjoy every moment of every day, because one day you'll miss the time gone. And to clean up the kitchen behind me as I go :)
"We all need a little rain in our lives. It makes the flowers grow."
Never turn an opportunity down.
"The more you pick at it, the worse it will get."
I was 13, and she was talking about zits at the time, but its been pretty good advice overall. :)
My mother taught me not to live in fear. A useful bit of advice in today's world. She would say "Enjoy each moment at hand and be grateful that the vast majority of moments in life are without great tragedy or drama. They are mostly blissfully mundane and ordinary. What a gift! Soak it up♥"
when I bought my house she told me,
"take one room at a time" It's actually pretty universal.
Don't give up!
"cherish every moment you have and do not waste your time on anything. Once time passes you will never get a chance to go back in time again."
"Marry him." Was my Mom's simple, but powerful, advice about my then-boyfriend, Sam. My Mom died shortly thereafter, very suddenly, and her advice stuck- as did Sam. He stayed by my side 24/7 holding me while I grieved her death, cried and screamed, lost my mind, threw fits, pushed him away in every way possible- he stayed, and I took my Mom's advice. We've been married now for five amazing years and have two gorgeous children together. I wish my mom could see how far her advice has taken me, I like to think she can :)
~Hilary Dillon
Continue your education, because it's one of the few things in life you cannot lose.
"don't worry about what everyone else thinks of you ~ you could spend a lifetime trying to fulfill that worry ~ just be yourself and you'll weed the good friends from the bad ones" ~ I still have to remind myself of this sometimes since I'm such a people person! So fun reading everyone elses' mom advice! Nazknutsen@gmail.com. <3
"Always use the manners we raised you with or the next time someone sees you...your face will be on the side of a milk carton!" Love my parents!
"Pretty is as pretty does." -- Mom
"It' doesn't matter the outcome... but how you react to it."
-Taylor J
ps. i would choose the jaded dangling hoop earrings!
"Nothing good happens after midnight...so be back at 10:00." :)
www.spidatter.com <3
My mother grew up impoverished in the small country of Taiwan with 5 other siblings under one small house. They never had the luxury to eat meat or candy. she told me that sometimes when she craved something sweet she ate toothpaste to satisfy her insatiable sweet tooth. She also loved to dance, but her parents couldn't afford it. She turned to education as her outlet of hardships. Eventually, she graduated top of her class, and changed her life by moving to America. Today, I have the opportunity to dance, as well as being able to eat and wear whatever I wish. My mom tells me all the time to appreciate what I have now and make good use of it, because there are other people who are less fortunate.
My mother told me, "be careful with the color red, you don't want to look like a hooker." lol
"If you act confident, the day will come when you will actually BE confident." She was totally right.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder...for somebody else. Sad, but usually true!
The best advice my mom gave me was to always put God first!
I love you, my daughter-Mommy
My mom's best advice was~
Use up what you have and make do!
"Spit out that jolly rancher. You're getting fat."
I don't think this is the best advice that my mom has ever given me but its definitely the cutest/funniest thing to come out of her mouth every time I walk out the door....
"Don't forget to wear lipstick. You never know when you will meet the future father of your children"
I have a beautiful story about "mom" advice, from my mom-in-law. Twelve years ago, my own mom was very ill, and had been for 7-8 years. Late one afternoon, she called and asked me to come by her house on my way home from work. It was late, and my kids were with my mom-in-law, who provided my daycare. I was late getting off work, and called my mom-in-law to tell her I was on my way. In the process, I mentioned that my mom had called and asked me to come by. I didn't plan to go. (My husband was out of town, and I didn't want to be that late picking up the kids from my mom-in-law.) "Go," my mom-in-law told me. "If you don't go and something happens to her, you'll never forgive yourself." So I went. It was the last time I my mom alive. My memories of that time with her are precious. And I've always treasured my mom-in-law and the advice she gave me that day.
"Don't compare yourself to others."
Moms always knows best!
Kiss and make up!
My mom always said "Just know that I love you".
I do mom. I do.
whenever i couldn't find something, and was whining for help my mom would call out, "keep looking. it's in there!" to this day it makes me smile.
"Stop worrying about what other people think. They are going to assume something or make fun of someone everyday of your life. You should never be upset when someone is hating on you, worry when nobody does. Its ok to make a few people jealous." Best thing to hear at 16!
My Mother-In-Law gave me the best advice. After my husband and I were married she told me "Don't put yourself in sticky situations. Temptations are always out there...we are human. But you have to be sensible and don't put yourself in any situation that could end up with you being "tempted" to stray from your husband". I thought it was so true and I have tried to follow that advice ever since! :)
"Don't drink and shave."
pray about it!
- alice lee
My name is Melissa.
My mom said: "Love the person for who they are now and not what you want them to be in the future"
The best advice my Mom ever gave: Whenever my sisters and I complain about something, my Mom says, "Is that solution oriented?" If we're going to complain about something, we better have a solution for it!
"don't be worried about what you want from the world, but instead think of what you can give to the world."
Never do a man's laundry for him unless you are married to him.
My name is Kathryn McAdams and the best advice my mom every gave me was to never be ashamed of what you do, and if you are, then you shouldn't be doing it. There are so many people out there that do not tell their parents things about their own lives, simply because they feel that their parents would be upset or disapprove. If you are happy with the choices you have made, and happy with what you are doing, then you shouldn't be ashamed to tell the whole world. But, in the same regard, if you don't want to tell anyone, then it is probably something you shouldn't be doing in the first place.
Mom's advice: "It's not being bossy; it's being assertive. That's how you get what you want."
Be a good friend to your boyfriend and an even better friend to your girlfriends!
The best advice that my mother even gave me though I didn't recognize it until I was in my late 20s is that you should always look your best. It makes you feel better to get dressed in the morning, and gives people the best impression of you. It doesn't take a lot of money to look pulled together.
She stole it from Eleanor Roosevelt (my namesake! I'm Eleanor Smith):
"The biggest risk in life is not taking any risks at all."
Have a blessed weekend!
Before my first child was born, my mom told me to say yes to my children as often as I could because I would have to say no far more often.
"Take some tylenol."
Mama always told me.."Only persue what captures your heart" Now I am a jewelry designer. I took her advice very seriously! -Shannon Parker
Mom said "Don't be too easy." Kind of funny, but maybe true?
My mom is truly an extraordinary woman. After suffering from a traumatic brain injury that left her wheelchair-bound and unable to care for herself, she has continued to do what she loved most--to teach. While she is no longer able to teach in the classroom, she has continued to teach myself and others a few simple lessons--to do what you love most, to never stop learning, and to seize each day.
My mum taught me that disrespect is never acceptable. From anyone. You get what you give and if I'm respectful, I deserve it in return. As a result of that, she also taught me to stand up for myself when I've been wronged.
My mom is such an inspiration to me. She is a nurse and loves her job. She is a natural at taking care of people. She has given me so much good advice over the years, it is hard to narrow it down to one thing. One of the best things my mom taught me was to pray over any decision I needed to make in my life. If the outcome wasn't what I expected, it happened for a reason, something I might not know yet, but will understand down the line. This is how I was led to meet my husband. I am so glad I listened to my amazing mom!!
Lori Reed
FB- Lori Ginn Reed
When getting the sex talk from my mom, and after attending catholic private school, she still gave me the best advice that has definitely been worthwhile --- "Don't buy a car until you test drive it. Now apply that to sex". haha
When in doubt, just smile.
My mom gave me this advice about guys "Looks may fade, but dumb is forever... go for the nice nerds." Also once I asked her how to get a guys attention and she told me "Go fall in front of him. A true gentleman will help you up."
If it doesn't hurt, then it's not love. - My Mom
---Bryce Pizano
"your exhausting yourself by caring too much about what other people think...just be yourself and do what you want and your true friends will follow"- my mom
"Moderation in everything is the key to living."
Always look presentable when going out, even when taking the mail -- you never know who will see you :P
bunnybx at gmail . com
Mom taught me this, "Never cry over a problem unless there's no solution left any more."
It's something vitally important. It keeps sentimental people like me keep back the tears.
Wow, I love all the advice every ones mothers have given~ What a great way to way up on a Saturday morning! :)
My mom always told me to "listen to yourself", it seems as though talking through things with her I would always answer my own questions. She dies last August from a very short battle with brain cancer~ Now listening to my self is all I can do~ I am so thankful that she shared all of her strength with me to get me through living without her.
Happy Mothers Day to her and all of the wonderful moms out there!
"Try your best in everything, then you'll have no regrets." - by my ever-so-supporting mom.
Happy Mother's Day, mom! I love you!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
My mom and I have a lot of differences and she has experienced a lot of downfalls, as of late. Her downfalls consist of drug abuse, traumatizing carwreck, and constant pain throughout her entire body.
My family has always considered I, Alisa, the "soon to make history" child. I vaguely remember some of the encouraging statements my mother made long ago, but I truly remember:
"I see you as a piece of art, physically and emotionally. Flaunt it, but do not allow it to overcome you"
-Jennifer Daniel
In other words, do not allow your beauty, your intelligence, nor your personality become a form of arrogance.
She's a beautiful woman, I must admit.
The best advice my mom gave to me was to be myself. She always told me no matter what people will like you if you just be who you are. If you try to hide who you are nobody will ever see your true self. She also said to be nice to everyone no matter how they treat you, if you kill them with kindness you have beaten the negativity and spread kindness whether or not they want to accept it. My mom has been there for me through the rough times and through the good ones and her advice has helped me become the woman I am today.
Not really an advice, more of a philosophy, but my mom always told me three things you should invest (money +time) in that no one can take away from you: health, education and travel!
She got the travel bug in me from early on..!
Stand up for what you believe in, no matter what. One person can make a difference, even if you get thrown in jail for it.
"No matter what, make sure you have good friends, even if it's just one, a bottle of wine, good food, and keep laughing"
My mom is my best friend <3
My mom always says that "regret and jealousy are a waste of time so don't do anything you cant smile about and remember you've got everything you'll ever need if you're laughing."
The most memorable (and one of the best) pieces of advice that my mother has ever given me is to never leave the house without earrings.
"You don't have to be so strong. It's ok to cry, never feel like you have to hide what you are feeling."
I love my mommy so much! One morning I woke up hung over and felt terrible and I told my mom that I was upset about a boy last night so drank a little too much and she told me "soon you will learn boys aren't worth hangovers" She didn't get upset and comforted me knowing we have all been there <3
"Don't make the same mistakes I made."
Rachel M
"Never settle for anything ordinary. Strive for excellence in everything you do."
I love my Mom. She's my best friend!
The best advice she's ever given me is to always give 100% to things I spend my time on; don't ever give a half effort; if you're going to do something, blow their minds!
"Great expectations in love- means having no expectations."
Love from my mom
Don't worry about the future--take life one day at a time.
Just be yourself!
Elena R
Never be afraid to ask for help.
Sarah W
Never dress like a tramp to get a boys attention. The wrong kind of boy will look and the good ones will never look.
The best advice my mom gave me was, "Don't sleep with your TA." Mom didn't live to see me go to college, so I'm honoring her memory by listening to this advice.
"Dress beautifully, always. It shows respect to those you meet - be it a shop owner or your interviewer for a big job - and brings beauty to the world around you." - mom, my fashion inspiration!
"Things won't always be like this. They'll be better some day." - Mom, the one who gets me through it all. My pillar of strength, my best friend.
"kill them with kindness" is the best advice my mom has given me. that and "fill up your gas tank when the light goes on". savin' my life everyday.
-katie s.
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