I have a bunch of new jewelry that I'll be adding to the store on Dec 1st. This weekend I was trying to take pictures of everything. This time I experimented with teacups. You will see a lot of my new jewelry photos taken with teacups. Teacups stacked on top of each other, teacups upside down, on the side...I tried everything. I do wished I had more varieties of tea cups though! I might have run down to the antique shop for some pretty china the next time around. Here is a sneak peak. I think my favorite is either the first or second one.
Try a thrift store. I've bought all my tea cups and saucers at the charity shops, which are considerably cheaper than the antique stores!
I wanted to ask you.... what camera are you using?? Also are those edited photos or did you use a special lens?? Reason being that I love the quality of the picture, and my hubby wants to get me a camera for x-mas and I dont know which one SLR would be best.
Thank you,
*minisuperbias - Thanks for the tip!
*Annmarie - I used my Canon Rebel XTi with stock lens. I absolutely love it. Some of the pictures came out a little blurry but I think it was because I didn't have proper lighting and I wasn't using a tripod. I didn't edit the pictures much, but I did sharpen some of them. But you will get pretty good pictures with this camera without any upgrades. Hope that helps!
Thanks, I may hint for that one then I keep hearing good things about the Canon Rebel..But let me say that your idea with the teacups are very cleaver and nostalgic all at the same time. very modern vintage chic..love it!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Good luck Annmarie! You're going to have to do a good job hinting it in =). Guys are so clueless! hehe
Thanks for your wonderful comments!
These are SO pretty.
Awesome pics! You are such a talented artist Mai. Keep up the good work :-) I love all of the new arrivals!
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