Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Add Ruche" Sweepstakes

Gosh, I have been behind on all my social networking! I've finally created an account for Ruche on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. I haven't had a sweepstakes in a long time and I thought this would be a perfect timing! So here goes....

Add Ruche as a fan/friend on Facebook, Twitter, and/or MySpace between 1/21/09-2/14/09 and you will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Ruche Gift Card! Add us to all three and you will be entered three times. Simple isn't it?


Thanks all and good luck!


Unknown said...

I didn't know you were on twitter, mai. i just joined less than a month ago. i'm following you know, lol. said...

=) Thanks Onika! You're site looks great by the way!

*Tanyetta* said...

I signed up and I'm following you on all THREE!!!! :)

Unknown said...

I signed up via Twitter.
Your stuff is way cute. I am a big fan of the Vintage Twist!
The Recessionista

Andy said...

aw this is wonderful! I love the site, and I signed up on all 3. :)

Andy said...

oops. Haha I guess my boyfriend's account is still logged in when I thought mine was. Oh well.

SeptemberLovely said...

OMG! Love your site! Such cute stuff! Hope I win so I can have a mini-shopping spree (although I'm sure I'll spend much more than the $50! lol).

Anonymous said...

I signed up with 2 of them.
Thanks for the contest, I love Ruche!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I am a fan on Facebook under Suzanne Bastien.. I'm in love with your stuff.. I'm going to build an outfit and put it on my blog... addicted :) said...

Thank you so much Suzanne! I'm glad you're enjoying Ruche!

lesley said...

love the shop! i just ordered a bunch of stuff and i can't wait to get it!! i added you on facebook and myspace.

Unknown said...

I've added you to all three
Facebook: Michelle Hudak
MySpace: magoo2u2

Krislyn said...

I love your shop! :) Your products are so so so adorable.

I added you on all three:

Myspace- Krislyn
Facebook- Krislyn Erickson
Twitter- Miss Krislyn said...

Thanks all for joining everyone! Good luck to all of you!

Anonymous said...

I tried to add you and even sent you a message about it to no avail. Not fair.

JB said...

Hi, I love all the items ♥
I have you in facebook some time ago, and today i added you in twitter!
Dont have my space :(

FB .- JB
Twitter.- Fashionista
