There we were, in the middle of a lonely camp site in the midst of waterfalls, streams, hump-backed bridges, and vintage camper vans. Everything was so beautiful. There has always been something about camping that makes my heart race. This particular camping trip wasn't the only thing that made my heart race.

My close-knit family and a handful of old timers... and a few 'newbies' too. Chris so happened to be one of those 'newbies.' In the midst of a foresty walk I watched him. I watched how he walked, how he talked, and how he enjoyed the beauty around him. Little did I know Chris was dong the same, he was watching me. I was also oblivious to him falling just as in love with me that I was with him.

Seeing Chris became a regular thing. Every time I saw him I couldn't help but swoon. He is perfect for me! A short time passed and I found myself in his arms with a ring around my finger.
He had caught me by surprise. We were in his attic sorting things out. He looked at me, got down on one knee, and asked the question! I was filled with happiness (and still am) I laughed, smiled, and laughed. I felt as though I was going to cry but no tears came, I was way passed the 'tears for joy stage!'
I am going to be Chloe Jane Schofield. Chris is going to be mine forever. I am going to be his forever. ♥
See the previous Love Stories here! If you would like to submit your story, please see our Ruche Blogger Family page for details.
P.S. Have you seen our wedding annoucement? Our vintage-inspired bridal collection launches on Monday!
This story left me feeling lighthearted and cheerful. I can't wait to see my boyfriend today. Thanks for sharing!
A lovely story! Congratulations!
I love love love these vans!
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