Hello, world. Meet Laura, also known as Violet Bella. She's the talented indie designer who makes all of these
pretties. ♥ Here's her story:
How did Violet Bella begin?
I think Violet Bella is something that was in the works of my soul for a lifetime really. I grew up with two very creative and talented parents, my mother, a jeweler, and my father, a carpenter. I have always highly respected that they both grew something amazing out of nothing by using their hearts and their hands.
What was life like before Violet Bella?
Before Violet Bella was created, I worked full time for my mom. She had a company called Broken China Jewelry for over 25 years, where she made beautiful jewelry from antique china plates. When my mom lost the battle of breast cancer in 2008, it was the most life changing event to ever happen to me. My mother was my best friend, greatest admirer, and simply my soul mate. My father and I decided to sell her business and move onto our own things. I had no idea what to do, so I waited tables for about a year or so. When I made Violet Bella a full time job, the first few months were very rocky and I thought several times I would have to stop living in this dream and go back to waiting tables. But I just kept going through the hard times, and every time I was just about to give up, something would come along to remind me to keep going. And just two years later, Violet Bella is more amazing than even I could ever have imagined. I feel so truly blessed. The only thing that could make it perfect would be to have my mother here to see it all, but I know she is up there helping me out along the way through this incredible journey.

What inspires your designs?
I am very inspired by nature. I love leaves, birds, aged textures, woodland creatures, feathers... I have always loved fashion and textiles, and I am very inspired by the bohemian vibe. Color palettes are also very inspiring to me. And music is something that carries me through. I always have my tunes on while designing, and I love to sing along! My biggest inspiration is probably just knowing that each day I sit down to create.
Do you have a design studio?
We just moved from a small rent house where my jewelry table behind our couch in the living room, our dining room was my office, and my sewing desk was a tiny fold up table in a corner. In our new house I have two whole rooms for the time being (until we have kids), plus an office! I have one room for my jewelry studio, one for my sewing studio, and I put my office in part of the main house so I can do most of my business still being near my hubby!
What's your daily routine?
Coffee as soon as I wake up! I love love love my coffee, probably my worst vice. Then I feed our animals, Bella, Violet and Nico. (Yes, my business name came from my cat and dog!) I’ve been spending my coffee time on the porch listening to the birds chirp. Then it’s off to check emails and my etsy shop. After all of my shipping is done, I either work on current wholesale orders or new stuff for the shop. I usually get excited right after designing new work; I photograph it and post that day if I can. If I’m in design mode, I have to remind myself to stop and eat, or takes little breaks. Evenings I usually spend with my husband and/or blogging. And just like everyone else, I of course have to squeeze in laundry, dishes, sweeping and taking care of the house daily, which I honestly enjoy most of the time. My husband and I just bought our first home, so I am in the exciting stage of decorating!
What inspires your wardrobe?
My style and wardrobe are simply inspired by prints and colors that I love and comfort. I love a mixture of bohemian textiles and accents mixed with long simple necklaces. I love to wear converse with dresses, a piece of my youth you just can’t take out of me. I’m pretty sure my style would be a lot more refined if I could spend a bit more money on it, but I love being creative with what I have!
Do you have a life motto?
I definitely believe that you get what you put out there, and it’s up to you to create the life you want. And to always come from a place of heart in who you are and what you do. We are all human, and we all stumble and make mistakes, but trying to come back to love at the end of every hard lesson, will pull you through. And to stay true to yourself in life, love and your work. I truly believe in the importance of family and friends. I love just about every quote written by Maya Angelou, go read them!
Thank you, Laura!
Want to read more about her? Be sure to stop by
her blog for swoon worthy images and Violet Bella updates.
P.S. She's wearing our
sending my love floral applique dress. A perfect pairing with Violet Bella jewelry. ♥