1. View our winter lookbook.
2. Describe your favorite scene from the lookbook (e.g. the scene where they are dancing, the scene where she is playing with snow, the scene with the pink blazer, etc.).
3. AND tell us about a cherished memory inspired by the photograph.
All submissions must be entered as a comment on this blog post. Contest ends on November 22nd, 12 pm PST. We will choose our favorite submission as the winner. Good luck! ♥
Photography by Brandon Kidd (brandonkidd.net). Makeup/Hair by KC Witkamp (makeupbykc.com). Furniture Rentals from Found Vintage (foundrentals.com).
Contest Disclaimer: No purchase necessary. We reserve the right to close the contest early or late without warning. We will post the name of the winner on November 22, 2011. Upon winning, you agree that your name and photos can be published on this blog at the close of the contest. You must contact us via contests@shopruche.com within 7 days after the winner has been announced to claim your prize.
The scene where she's sitting with a cup of tea.
It reminds me of my honeymoon. We were very poor and our honeymoon was basically a rented cottage near us that overlooked a peach orchard. I remember sitting at the back in the morning sun, overlooking the trees and peaches with a cup of maple flavored tea while my new Husband, my love, sat beside me. It was such a moment of pure peace and joy. Just a quiet moment full of possibility, love, and rest.
The whole world exhaled.
I'm in love with the scene the two are sitting what looks like a table, and she's holding a coffee cup in an oversized sweater.
She's so effortlessly beautiful in this picture, and the sweater just really adds to it.
I remember sitting on my deck in my backyard, which is in a wooded area, with lights strung everywhere and candles lit all around me, with one of my best friends.
We stayed there and talked all evening, with blankets, and food, and coffee ourselves.
I absolutely love this lookbook.
Ruche understands my life!
LOVE the entire look book. But just the couple being in the tall trees reminds me of a recent trip to portland when we were standing in the forrest on some trails in the rain, so perfect! :)
p.s. My birthday is on November 22nd and this would be a pretty perfect birthday gift :)
The scene with the couple in the tree. Last winter I surprised my guy with a scavenger hunt of all of the places that we both wrote about in our short stories (we're both aspiring authors). Of course, not thinking I dressed up for the occasion, heels and all. Once we got to our final destination, I had intended for us to climb up this certain tree and eat our snacks. He, of course, told me I didn't need to with heels and a dress, but being the stubborn person that I was, I took the climb in stride. We couldn't stop laughing and didn't climb down for such a long time. I'll cherish that memory forever.
Congratulations, this winter collection is so unique and beautiful... My favourite scene is when they are standing in the forest hand in hand, because my family used to live next to the forest. My best memory is that we (me and my younger brother) were wild children, and we were walking in the forest all the day, and had snowball fighting in winter. That's why mother was always angry, but she made us the best tee (black tee with honey and orange). So it's good for me to think at that time :)
My fav is the one of the couple sitting on a bench next to two cups, and the camera is peering at them through the trees. It reminds me of my wedding:) We were married in a state park last summer and it was so wonderful to be surrounded by nature. Thanks!
I love the scene of the couple on the bench in the woods. My first date with my current boyfriend (going on three years!!) was at a park where we sat out on a concrete pipe over the water in the woods.
Definitely the scene where they're just sitting and drinking coffee or tea together. It's the calm and cozy times with my family that I enjoy the most during the holidays. Give me a cup of coffee and a roaring fire, and I'm a happy gal!
What a great winter collection! I like the scene where the couple is holding hands on the path surrounded by tall trees. It reminds me of Central Park in the fall/winter. I was just there over the weekend enjoying the beautiful weather. I love the park because it feels like a safe haven I can retreat to when the city gets too overbearing.
I really liked the scene where the couple was just walking and holding hands.
I have dated the same man for five years. We met when I was about fourteen, and he was sixteen. Of course, I was still that awkward freshman, and really quite shy. In my eyes, he was the most handsome being I had ever seen in my life. While still in an intimidated phase, I suggested that we become friends, which we did. Two years of friendship later, we went on a very special walk - holding hands. It was a warm, autumn day, and surrounded by trees and nature, he told me he was in love with me, and friendship just wasn't going to be enough for him. Since then, around two years ago, he decided to serve a mission for our church in Argentina. We have had no contact other than hand-written letters. I have not heard his voice, seen his smile, or hugged him in two years. We will be reunited in one month, and I imagine, we will go back to where it all began - a walk... holding hands... surrounded by nature.
I love all of these photos so much. My favorite would have to be the scene where they are dancing. It reminds me of when I was in high school, my guy best friend wanted to perform (sing) a song with me on stage. He made up a little dance and everything.. too sweet. It makes me smile still even though things didn't work out.
The scene of when they are decorating the tree with Christmas decorations.
It reminds me of last year, my boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years and last year I left California to go to school here in Hawaii.
When I came home for Christmas, my boyfriend and I decorated our own Christmas tree together. It was amazing to see him again, and to share this experience with him for the short 2 week break I got from school.
I am looking forward to continuing the tradition of decorating our own christmas tree when I finally see him this year for Christmas break. :)
The scene that popped out at me is the one where she is in the barn leaning up against it.
It made me think of the time I went to Croatia and visited my Grandma [God bless her soul]. I have only met her a few times because we live so far apart.
It was just so refreshing to live without the luxuries of life and just spend time with each other.
I miss her!
All the pics in the book remind me good ol' happy times :)
Awesome stuff Ruche!!
The scene where they are having dinner and the lights are so amazingly beautiful. It reminds me of a romantic date I had around Christmas time. We spent our time together just talking and ignoring the world as there was just the two of us and the city lights... :)
The photography and looks throughout the book are stunning. Each is worth spending a few extra moments on before flipping the page. But, the scene on p.98 (I think) where the viewer gets an intimate glimpse of the couple under the string of lights. The angle makes me feel as though this is a moment where the camera is oblivious to the couple. The expressions on their faces convey a private joke or a sweet exchange of sentiments between shots.
Rather than a specific memory, this photo evokes a familiar feeling. As though I can relate to the couple. My husband and I have been married almost four years and still cherish those moments of quiet the most. The times when both of us are unexpectedly giddy or romantic. The lights, the darkness, and the trees give the photo a feel of winter and reminds me of cozy winter nights where we might talk a walk during a snowfall, snuggle by a fire, or sip wine and talk. Moments that are too rare and fleeting, but truly cherished.
Thanks for the great daydream!
The scene where she's playing with the snow. :)
Every year, our closest friends and about 10 kids (ranging in ages from 1-15) take a snow trip to our cabin in Lake Tahoe for the weekend. Every year, since the snow is several feet high, we'd build a slide for the kids to sled down. Every year the slide is different: zigzag, straight, huge bump for some air...
The kids love it, and their huge smiles and red cheeks and squeals of laughter become a cherished memory.
My favorite photo would definitely have to be the one of the couple dancing together between the trees under the string of lights. It's so simple, but so romantic. I'm excited for Christmas this year because my boyfriend and I are going to be decorating a tree and using similar lights to give this Christmas a vintage, romantic feeling. I adored the entire catalogue as well. So excited for the winter line!
I love the scene where they are sitting under the makeshift tent. It reminds me of when my family and another family used to go camping during thanksgiving. I had a huge crush on my friend from the other family and we used to just sit together by the fire and talk. Things have changed now and we dont go camping together anymore, but I still remember those times as some of the best i've ever had.
OH GOSH, my favorite scene is her with holding a cup, wearing leggings and her (I assume) lover who is wearing elbow patches on his sweater.
It reminds me of the days I spent next to my boyfriend, drinking hot cocoa and dreaming of living in the wild...where beings are free.
My favorite store having a give away? This is lovely!
I instantly chose the scene of the couple sitting and the girl is drinking coffee. It doesn't bring back one specific memory, but it reminds me of friends and winter in general. To me winter is a time where I visit my far off friends and we get together and drink coffee on the cold winter nights. It might seem like a silly and insignificant thing to many, but to me it's my favorite thing in the world. I don't usually get an opportunity to visit my friends who live far off, so these memories mean everything to me. Specifically last winter when I went to visit this family after my mom was diagnosed with cancer. We would sit around the table drinking coffee every evening, and they were just there for me, and they gave my encouragement and let me know how everything would be okay.
So yeah, that picture reminds me of sitting down with good friends and just talking. To me that's what winter is about.
The entire lookbook is stunning.
Thanks for the giveaway, I hope you all do more in the future!
I "cherish" the scene of the model standing against the wall on the inside of the barn. When I was in fourth grade, I was obsessed with horses... everything about them. My parents arranged for me to "rent" a horse form an older couple who could no longer care for their horse or exercise him as much as he needed. His name was Mr. Beau Jangles. I would go to the couples' house three times each week with my dad. I would clean out Beau's stall, brush him, and ride him. The year I spent taking care of Beau is one of my fondest childhood memories. The photo reminds me of the barn where Beau lived. It was old, rustic, and had a very distinct odor, but to a 10-year-old in love with horses it was nothing short of magical!
I LUV the all of the woodsy pics, especially the one of her standing near the wooden bridge.
My husband and I took a fabulous vacation to northern Montana and this reminds me of a great hike we took in Glacier Nat'l Park. It was brisk and beautiful last October. We went to a local market and carved a pumpkin even though we were away from home. I was so sad to leave back to Cali. Thanks for bringing back the fond memory!
<3, Your Curvy shopper
My favorite scene in the lookbook is when they are holding hands and she is reaching to put a bulb on the small pine tree.
My cherished memory inspired by the photograph is actually a memory I'm looking forward to making. I met my boyfriend and the love of my life 3 months ago. We both love Christmas and have been wishing every year to meet each other. Now that we have found each other I'm so excited to spend the holiday season decorating, baking, eating and enjoying every second of the season - with him!
I love the scene where she is holding all the pine cones in her arms! <3
When I saw the picture, it immediately took me back to probably my most favorite Christmas memory. I went, with my family, to my grandfather's (who has since passed) house about 4 or 5 years ago. He lived in Indiana and at the time there was snow everywhere! I remember riding around in the snow in his little go-kart, and also just wandering about the land (he had a lot) and looking at all the trees and seeing the snow falling, and looking for all the pine cones. Also having the whole family there was so comforting. Something about the sweater she is wearing in the picture just seems so comfortable; like home; like the comfort that family effortlessly provides.
The scene that sparked a memory for me is the makeshift tent under the trees. My husband and I made our first camping trip together on an anniversary trip to the beach. I wouldn't recommend camping out in the summer on the beach, but it was so much fun to wake up, make our way a few feet to the beach, and play all day.
My favorite scene is when the couple is just laying in the grass with the girls head resting on the guys chest. I Love this scene because they both just look so happy and whenever I lay with my boyfriend I feel the same way. There was this one day at alt park where we just laid like that and read and enjoyed each others company for hours, it was like we were the only ones at the park and all I needed to be happy was him.
My favorite scene is when they are having a romantic candlelit dinner. It reminds me of me and my boyfriend's very first "fancy" candlelit dinner at an upscale restaurant to celebrate our three year anniversary =) If only I was wearing something as stylish as the model that night! =D
I love the image of the woman blowing snow out of her hands. It reminds me of the craft-sparkle snow my mom once got. One year in Wisconsin, there was no snow on Christmas Eve (believe it or not!), so my mom put the fake snow in 2 little baggies for my sister and I with a little "wish for snow poem" on it. We went outside, said the poem out loud to "Santa" and blew it out of our hands. When we woke up Christmas morning, there was snow! We were convinced Santa heard our wish :)
i like the scene where the boy and girl are sitting under the make-shift tent...it reminds me of when me and high school sweetheart were the object of each other's lives and we were so content with each other and did things like building forts or making up stories. that was the happiest time in my life, everything seemed so simple and nothing seemed to really matter except for him and me and that we had each other. so anything that takes me back to that time always puts a smile on my face.
My favorite scenario in the lookbook is the photo of the pair of black military boots left behind on the doorstep. It reminds me of my trip to Kangaroo Island in South Australia. I took a similar photo of my own boots on a deserted beach. The photo in the lookbook leaves many unanswered questions, one isn't sure if the person has gone or just arrived. I will never forget the wonderful experience I had with my love at Kangaroo Island and all the great friends I made. I don't think I can ever part with my boots! It has too many great memories :)
I really thought the the scene where she was dancing was so sweet. It reminded me of my first slow dance, which was with my dad :) it was so adorable and i know he enjoyed it alot. We have had some rough times so i cherish that moment.
So hard to pick, as I love the woods, but I like the dress the model is wearing with the pink hat the most. The scenery reminds me of the redwoods, and visiting them with my family when I was young. It also remind me of the movie, "The Gnome Mobile" which is a family favorite.
The scene where they're decorating the Christmas tree, particularly the photo with the ornament in the middle, and two photos of the couple and the left and the right.
This reminds me so much of when I was five years-old, and my dad had been gone working out of state for almost a year. We barely ever saw him, and it didn't look like he was going to be able to come home for Christmas. Me and my sisters were all so sad; it would be our first Christmas without our daddy. We all went to bed on the night before Christmas eve. I woke up in the morning and saw a figure by my bed. I thought it was my mom, but then I saw to my delight that it was my daddy! He was able to come home for Christmas. He surprised us all, even my mom. I remember so clearly that Christmas eve night, as my parents sat by our Christmas tree, their arms around each other, smiling and gazing at each other like they were a young couple in love again. And at heart they were. It was the most wonderful Christmas surprise ever, and I cherish the memory of it, and my parents' happy, loving faces by the tree, always.
I adore the scene where they are sitting quietly on a log in the middle of the forest. Reminds me of one of my first dates with my boyfriend where we went to a botanical garden and I realized that this was going to last a long long time. :-) And that was two years ago!
The scene where she is decorating the tree in the woods.
This reminds me of going every year to Bronner's every year with my husband. Bronner's is the largest Christmas store in the world, I believe, and it is so lovely, decorated inside and out. We pick out a new ornament every year. Our son goes with us now, too, and gets to pick out his own ornament. :)
I absolutely adore the scene where they are drinking hot tea outside under all the forest greenery, she is wearing this amazing oversized sweater and the simplicity and joy of the moment that is captured in this photo is breathtaking.... This entire scene reminds me of our family holidays. We live in a log home on 8 acres of country and many of my favorite memories take place outside on our back deck drinking coffee. Thanksgiving and Christmas especially all my distant family and some close friends come home and gather together, after a delicious homemade meal many end up out back snuggled up on the deck in chairs around the outdoor fireplace catching up and sharing stories and laughs. The happiness and warmth that this photo brought to my memory was unmistakable.
I can most relate to scene where she's holding a cup and he's sitting in front of her.
My boyfriend is a heavy coffee drinker and whenever I'm at his place and he's making coffee for himself, he'd also make a cup of peppermint tea for me. He says that my kiss always smells like peppermint. We're in a long-distance relationship, literally halfway around the world apart, and our daytimes and nighttimes are reversed; when I miss him, I'd make myself a cup of peppermint tea.
It has been 2 years, and he's finally moving to be with me in 3 months -- I'll be making sure the pantry's well stocked with coffee and peppermint tea!
My favourite is where they are standing under the lights strung between the trees, such a magical setting. It reminds me of my wedding where my new husband and i danced amongst the fairy lights, something I'll never forget.
Oh my- the look book is divine!! My favorite look is where she is wearing the red beret (page 33) in the woods walking over the bridge in the woods. It reminds me of when we lived in Portland Oregon and everything was green and woodsy. We would always take hikes and day trips to the gorge. If i could only look that cute hiking!
Love the scene of the couple walking hand in hand through the trees. It reminds me of our cabin in Utah that I miss so much, since we live across the country now. Miss all the mountains and gorgeous trees!
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
The scene where she is sitting with the cup of tea, crosslegged, facing her beau. Her body language and facial expression show so much love and romance, but also comfort (with her significant other) and contentment. She looks comfortable, yet stylish.
The emotion that this picture gives off (the comfort, contentment, and love) reminds me of how I feel about my husband. A particular memory that this inspires is from the climactic point in our relationship - when my husband came to visit me (before we were married) in college. He was on leave from the Navy and came to visit and "sweep me off my feet." He did, and how they are sitting in this scene reminds me of the lengthy, interesting conversations we stayed up all night to have - drinking tea.
I enjoy the picture of the couple holding hands in the woods... and the close up of them on the opposite page. First and foremost, her look is totally my style. This is something I would totally wear. I am an avid accessory buyer. Shoes, purses, belts, scarves, etc... and I see a scarf, a belt, and some boots that need to be in my closet!!
Secondly, these photos stood out to me because they look similar to my engagement photos that were taken out behind our house in our woods. I love the simplicity of it all plus to be able to show our kids one day. just point out our back window and show them where our picture was taken!! We just got married in September and also took a very similar picture with woods in the background of us holding hands and holding a flag banner I made that says Thank You. We used that for our thank you cards we sent out to all who attended...
Overall the look book is great and you guys are amazing :)
I like the scene where she's gathering pine cones. It's a really simple thing, but living in Guam, I never got to go through a typical winter experience. We didn't have pine cones; we have coconuts. I remember my mom trying to make it like winter in the states by buying pine cones and hiding them around the yard, and my sister and I would find go looking for them (like an Easter egg hunt!). It was such a simple way to make a Christmas so very special.
My favorite scene is when she is leaning against the wall, in the pink blazer, with the window in the background. (pg.22-23)
It reminds me of my childhood adventures. My best friend and I would climb deep through the tangled, twisted mess of the woods, with the smell of fresh pine and morning dew exhilarating your nose, to an old, run down abandoned house. It was when the seasons were changing & every breath you would take would fill your lungs with the sense- tickling, chilled air. We'd sit in that house for hours talking & laughing about the simple things little girls are memorized with. Our imaginations would run wild with the dreams of growing up & what everything could (and would) be like. The future was bright & our cheeks were even brighter. In those moments nothing would matter. We'd only run home, through the intricate path of limbs & leaves leading our way, when our little bodies were chilled to the bone.
Even just the memory of those moments fill me with the warmth to last a lifetime.
I adore the scene where they are outdoors with all of the white twinkle lights lit up. first, I love the juxtaposition of the unnatural light against the natural backdrop of trees and nature. It adds an element of whimsy that I think is magical. The scene that reminds me of a cherished memory is the one where they are sitting outdoors and she is holding the tea cup. Last winter my husband and I went on a hike on a very cold and crisp November day. We stopped at a point overlooking a waterfall and he had packed a thermos with hot water and tea. The warmth of the cup made my cold finger tips tingle and the steam when I lifted the mug to my face defrosted the tip of my nose. It is just a really good quiet memory.
I love all the scenes in this lookbook, the couple is adorable :) But my favorite is on page 5, of the girl standing next to the open door just looking out. It reminds me of my childhood. My whole family grew up in the same house, the only house we own, my grandma's house up in the snow. I have pictures of myself throughout the ages of me staring out the front screen door before I would go out on adventures. Since I was little I was always trying to get out that door and go run and play. This picture looks like what I would look like this year if I was able to be back home. It's my first year at University and sadly I won't be able to go back home and look out planning my next big adventure. I won't get the warm hot chocolate, helping making the turkey or just lounging back home with my family. This whole lookbook reminds me of where I am from and made me happy to see.
My favorite scene is where she's standing on the boardwalk in the rainforest with the sun shining down behind her. It reminds me of our honeymoon to Haida Gwaii, off the north coast of British Columbia. It's so wonderful to breath the fresh ocean air and enjoy the silence of the coastal forest... although, we didn't get any of that glorious sun!
I love the scene were they're sitting down with candles around them and he's holding her hand-it reminded me of when my husband proposed to me,it took me back to that glorious day :)
I love the scene of having tea in the forest...it reminds me of the magic of growing up in my beloved homestate, Maine, surrounded by all that raw nature. It's still magic as an "adult".
It also reminds me of the hike through the New Hampshire mountains that my now husband and I got to know each other on. That was magic too. :)
ahh how pretty. since i have to choose i would have to pick the scene where they are sitting on the bench drinking coffee, reminds me of me and my boy. just enjoying eachother :)
The scene where she is drinking tea reminds me of stories I used to hear my dad tell me about my parents' honeymoon before he died. They didn't have any money and honeymooned at my great grandparents home on an island in the upper peninsula of Michigan. The trees in the background also remind me of the island. When we go up there now there is always a full cupboard of tea and we all sit around the fire and enjoy each other's company. It is one of my favorite times of the year.
I loved the scene where she's standing in the old barn. I'm from the west, where nothing is very old. We went our honeymoon to Vermont and loved all the old buildings, especially the barns and covered bridges.
My fav is the one of the couple sitting on a bench next to two cups, and the camera is peering at them through the trees. It reminds me of a special moment with a boy in a forest near my house:) We were pretty amazing just kiss him and forget all...:D
the scene where she's standing just inside the door, looking out at the rest of the world.
it reminds me of the time i was at my grandparents's house, my granddad had just lent me his film camera, and i set out into the backyard to take some photos. it was quiet, and serene, and just beautiful. i've always wanted to go back to that moment. :))
-jocee <3
I think that the scene where the boy and the girl are sitting on the picnic table facing each other is incredible! It reminds me of so many mornings where the best part of my day is starting it off with a chat with my boyfriend and a comforting cup of coffee. It's the mundane acts like this that sum up true love in my opinion. Mundane, yet magical!
*I love her outfit! She looks so cozy and whimsical.
First, I have to say that I absolutely love that you went with an outdoors/wilderness theme for this look book. Second, although it was simple, I think the scene that I liked the most was the one where she was standing in a field holding pine cones. That scene (the entire book really) reminds me of my childhood, in particular, vacations we would take out to Wyoming or South Dakota as a family. We would bring our horses and just spends days out in the wilderness. In those days we didn't have cell phones, Ipods, or laptops to worry about. It was about experiencing the beauty of nature together as a family, without the hassle of modern day society. Even the moments I hated as a child(i.e. picking up after my horses...ahem deposits) I now look back on with a smnile. Now that I am an adult and no longer living at home I yearn for those carefree days sitting around the campfire, eating hot dogs on a stick, and just genuinely enjoying each others company. I only hope to someday return the favor to my future kids.
This may be a little unorthodox as the entire point of a lookbook is the looks, but I really love the first page: The scene with the house and forest.
It reminds me of all the beautiful places my husband and I have been: Seattle for our honeymoon, Michigan's "Up North" for our first anniversary, and everywhere I hold dear. It's a feeling I get from looking at the deep woods and the weather-beaten cottage - the perfect setting for a thick sweater and tall boots, clothes that are nostalgic and become nostalgic from the memories they've made.
2. Describe your favorite scene from the lookbook:
On page 90 and 91 of the lookbook, it showed a couple outdoors in the woods. This page in particular caught my attention because i love the whole idea of the shoot with the lights around the trees and the ornaments hanging from the lims. It just seemed so elegant and romantic. The ruche clothes fit perfectly in these two photos. I like how the scarf just pops and adds color to the photo. i am a photographer and I admire photos like these.
3. AND tell us about a cherished memory inspired by the photograph.
A cherished memory that was inspired by the photograph was a year ago around christmas i did a winter inspired series. In the series, i did one photo where i decorated a bike with christmas lights. It was a long process to place the lights on there, especially the wheels, but it was all worth it. I also did one where I placed christmas lights all over a tree in my backyard and on the back of the fence and hanged jars that i placed candles inside. It reminds me of the photos on page 90 and 91 because they both deal with christmas and the overall feel of the photo was the same as mine.
- Shelby Tanner
I love the serene picture where she's drinking hot chocolate - or tea, is it?
I met my boyfriend in winter, and it reminds me of that time - we used to go out a lot, even though it was freezing, and lots of hot beverages were involved, as we would chat and chat for hours, sometimes even till morning. Several years after, it's so hard to convince myself to leave the house when it's cold outside, although these pretty pictures make me want to treasure each season for its beauty and treats.
The best scene to me is the one where she is sitting in the back of the old truck in a cozy grey sweater. It reminds me of when I was little and I used to wander off behind my grandmother's house to a small field with an abandoned truck just like that one. I used to dance and play on the back of that truck for hours! Oh, to be young again..
I love the picture of the two sitting on the bench in the woods. It reminds me a lot of a place that my husband and I go for our anniversary in October. We love the romantic feel the woods always gives us. :) Just beautiful.
I love the scene where the couple is in the tree, the picture reminds me of my engagement pictures. I was more nervous about the pictures than I was about getting married. Too bad I didn't have those shoes then! They would have looked great in our pictures!
My favorite scene is with the mug of coffee. Coffee always brings a cozy, nostalgic feeling to me.
I love the scene with the ainsley collared coat. It reminds me of spending Christmas at my family's lakehouse when I was a kid. It was so magical to go there when it was so snowy and wonderful.
I truly enjoy the scene where her and her love are sitting at a candle-lit table. They look so peaceful and have a look about them that says they're in love. The right side picture reminds me of when my fiance holds my left hand and admires my engagement ring. The symbolism of the ring can be so big.
My favorite is the scene with the couple sitting within the forest.
It reminds me of the many camp outs that I shared with my husband & his family while we were dating. I miss those moments!
The scene with the cup of tea reminds me of the times my sister and I would have late night hot chocolate, just to talk and catch up at the end of a long day. We live over 500 miles apart now and are busy working on our degrees (her, a B.S. in Biochemistry, me, a Ph.D. in Microbiology) so our teatimes are few and far between, but greatly looked forward to, particularly during the holidays (for peppermint hot chocolate:) ).
Simply lovely. Far and away my favorite image is the one where the couple is lounging in the make-shift tent.
Years ago, when my best friend and I were nine or ten, we used to go "camping" in her front yard, complete with a blanket tent and make-believe cook-fire. We were living the good life, and, influenced by the romance of woods-y novels and our own imaginations, that postage-stamp sized lawn on a cul-de-sac looked just like this picture, at least to us.
Thank you for reminding me of those wonderful hours!
~Abby Clara
the scene with her in the pink blazer and its and there is a what looks to be a run down house and she is walking away from it looking around.
the photo reminds me of the times when after church or during i would go off with some friends and we would go exploring and looking around in our nice clothes and trying not to get them dirt so they wouldnt know where we had been the whole it.
this look-book is perfect. i keep looking at it, making sure i've taken in every last morsel. the scene where they are decorating the tree makes me so happy. it reminds me of the year that some friends were going through a hard time emotionally & financially, and couldn't afford a christmas tree. my husband and i brought them a tree as a surprise, and then we all decorated it together. it is such a sweet memory. the best remembrances are tied to those we cherish. xo.
The scene that immediately brought back a memory of mine was the woman in the white, knit cardigan looking off to the side. It reminded me of my mother. She'd wear a white cardigan like that during the fall and winter when I was little. It epitomes my mother - comfy, classy and not fussy.
nicoler [at] iastate.edu
I love the entire lookbook, but one scene in particular. The one where the girls just walking, with her arms full of pinecones. It reminds me from when I was little, and my dad and sister and I would gather a ton of pinecones in the forest. Then he would hide them all ove the house, and we had to find them to get hot coaco.
my favorite scene is of them in what looks like might be the redwood forest... my husband proposed to me in the redwoods, in front of a giant tree. he said he had dropped something and was down scrambling on the forest floor getting the courage to ask me to marry him. it was perfect.
My favourite scene is the one where the couple is sitting on a bench in the forest, with her head on his shoulders.
I love that you can see the silence. You can feel the silence. There is a heavily wooden area by our house and my husband and I walk through it frequently. There is even a couple cute benches like the scene in the lookbook. We often just sit, in silence. It's a beautiful thing. I feel so safe. It's comfortable and soothing to sit in silence in nature. That's why I love that scene :)
I absolutely adore the scene in which they are sitting on the bench in the forest with the tea. This reminds me so much of when I first moved to Bellingham,WA about a two years ago to finally make my dream of living in the northwest come true (I'm originally from Florida). I was so scared and hesitant to make the long journey, but my boyfriend mustered up the courage and ventured out before me; reassuring me it would all be ok. When I fianlly moved we first lived with our friends in the middle of the woods. We would often take long walks and sit on benches looking out at the ocean; always with a cup of tea! Simply put, it reminds me that dreams can come true!
I like the scene at page 13. It reminds me of when me and my boyfriend went to visit his family in England. They took us to this lovely forest, and we had the sweetest time together... just like the picture it was cold and we were cuddling. At this forest we saw wild horses and bunnies. Honestly it's a great memory.
My favorite scene is the one where the girl is wearing the teal dress, gray sweater, and raspberry beret in the woods. This reminds of growing up in Oregon. We would got to this place called Silver Creek Falls. We would hike and picnic as a family and see the amazing waterfall!
The scene where she is wearing the brown hat and green bow shirt is amazing! The incredible outfit captured my attention immediately, the scenery is beautiful, and it reminds me of the most wonderful time of the year--Christmas.
my favorite is when the girl is holding the cup of coffee and laughing with the guy. The guy's back is sort of towards the view. I love how it's "in the moment". It reminds me of when I used to cuddle up outside in the mountains enjoying the view.
I love the scene where the 2 of them are eating a fancy candlelit dinner together. It is a very sweet, romantic moment as they are gazing at one another and it's as if nothing else exists but the 2 of them.
This reminds me of when my husband now of 10 years proposed to me in almost the same manner. He rented a old log cabin that overlooked the lake, where we had a wonderful meal, beautiful music and I made the best desicion of my life!
Thanks Ruche for your beautiful inspirational lookbooks..stunning as always!
My favorite scene from the lookbook is the one where they were having a candlelight dinner outdoors. There is just so much warmth and romance captured in this picture. A cherished memory inspired by the photograph was my date with my boyfriend when he asked me to be his girlfriend. We ate dinner at a simple but very delicious restaurant and we held hands over the dining table. He gave me a look that I will never forget. Something in his eyes told me that he was very happy to be with me, he wouldn't hurt me, and that he truly cares about me. :)
The couple lounging under the blanket tent is by far my favorite image in your look book. It reminds me of when I was younger and would make a tent out of any blanket, pillow, tree with my siblings and friends. Such wonderful times! Thanks for reminding me how enjoyable little things are.
I really love this entire lookbook, but I'd have to say my favorite scene is near the end where the couple is standing/ holding hands/ dancing under the large trees with lights strung up above them. It's absolutely magical. This reminds me of when I first met and starting seeing my now-boyfriend, because we met on new year's eve and our first few weeks together were spent playing outdoors in the snowy woods and snuggling up by the fireplace afterwards. I have such happy memories of our relationship associated with this time of year! This makes me want to go out and do a Christmas photoshoot in the woods :)
The scene where that lovely pair are just relaxing underneath the makeshift white canopy/tent.
It reminded me of one summer after my sisters and I saw a documentary on meteor showers and constellations and we had just received a telescope for a present. We built ourselves a makeshift canopy not quite as pretty as the one in the picture because ours were made up of a farrago of rugs and towels and bedsheets and my mother's massive shawl collection (which she never did forgive us for abusing) but it was in an opened area with tall willowy and crooked trees like this one and we spent all night arguing over who could be in charge of the telescope and then there a rather profound and heated debate about whether or not there was actually a person depicted in the moon. Needless to say, nothing happened that night. No stars, no meteor showers, and the telescope quality was so bad that the moon looked like a blurry slab of melted cheese through it, but the most wonderful part of that memory was the tent. And just, being able to lie all cozy and warm within it next to my sisters, giggling about ten-year old shenanigans, and peeking out at the purple-blue skies and black clouds through the holes and rips in our little makeshift castle.
Yet another gorgeous lookbook! My favorite scene is the one where the couple is sitting under a tent, having a picnic in the woods. It reminds me of my first date with my one and only love! In the park is where it started. It was a warm, sunny day. He took me by the hands and we walked beneath the trees. He surprised me with a big surprise. There were lots of wonderful things to eat. I felt so happy, oh so happy. Even though our fruit got eaten by ants and once they were done they decided to crawl up our pants, we had a lovely time that day. Seven years later I remember that special day when we had our picnic as if it was yesterday! It's love like I've always dreamed ♥
My hubs and I were married in February, I had always wanted a summer/Spring wedding, but my little brother was called to serve our country in Iraq. So I moved up the wedding so he could attend before he shipped off. My husband was in school at the time so we could only do a one - nighter honeymoon. We headed to the Utah Mountains that night after the wedding. The next morning was the biggest snow storm of the year and we were "stuck" {not a bad thing} up at my families cabin. Seeing the photo of the little cottage and girl with her mug reminded me of that glorious weekend sipping hot chocolate and being a newly wed! Ah thanks for putting such sweet memories in my head!!
The scene where she is laying on a picnic blanket staring up at the sky.
It reminds me of my husband and I on our first picnic date, 4 years ago. He was content with looking at me the entire time and I was just as happy laying with him. In fact, another picnic is long overdue!
Love the page with the wooden walkway/bridge, with all the trees. I have always loved walking through the woods, especially secluded bridges, walkways, and paths. This reminds me of when my husband proposed to me in a secluded part of the gardens and nature preserves of a southern plantation.
My favorite scene from the lookbook is where the woman is sitting on the ground facing the man.
The romantic feel of the picture reminds me of when my best friend and I went on our first date together. He surprised me with a dinner (which he cooked up himself) at the beach on a warm evening -it was so amazing. We stayed there past sunset talking about anything and everything while watching the planes pass by as if they were shooting stars. It was a pretty magical night if I may say so myself.
After four years of official dating, we are now engaged. (:
My favorite picture in the lookbook is the one where the couple is sitting up in a tree and he is putting his face in her hair/on her shoulder. Favorite because I love when my boyfriend nuzzles into my hair:) And I love climbing trees of course :)
I love the scene of decorating the Christmas tree. The picture of the guy with his arms around the girl is probably my favorite.
Reminds me of spending time with my husband before we had kids. We never could keep our hands off of each other. I'd love to get back to that at some point. I really miss us, but still am enjoying raising kids with him :)
The scene at the very beginning.. where she is by herself leaning to the door... :)
There was this one night I was supposed to go on a date for a movie so I dressed up nicely (the dress also reminded me how I was dressing then) and I was waiting for a call in my room by the door checking in the mirror... but he was working hard that he couldn't make it. It was sad but it was definitely one of the most cherish memory I have. I just can't forget that exciting moment when I was waiting for him :')
Favorite scene: She's surrounded by large evergreens, wearing an adorable green dress, and peering into the distance.
This scene reminds me of my childhood in New England, where forest escapades became a playground for the imagination to wander, and has turned into a quiet place to think and appreciate the beauty of nature. You can almost feel the soft rays of sunlight finding paths to reach the forest floor. There could be a deer or perhaps a red fox ambling along in the undergrowth. You can smell the fainest scent of pine and almost grasp the adventure that's just beyong the rugged trees.
Favorite scene: scene where she is holding the coffee mug
My favorite thing to do is drink hot coffee during the winter time. When me and my husband were dating long distance we would always meet up and get hot coffee and drink it outside by the lake. There is nothing better then a hot drink in your hand when it's chili outside.
My favorite scene is where she is sitting at the table on the deck, holding his hand, and staring into his eyes.
About three years ago, my husband and I moved half-way across the world from the very large city he grew up in to a small coastal town in the U.S. so I could start graduate school. We had so much fun those first few months exploring our new surroundings, finding our new favorites restaurants, and just getting settled into the next phase of our lives. I remember we went to dinner at this cute little restaurant, and ate outside on the deck. Our view was very similar to the one in the photo. While we gazed into each others' eyes, and spoke softly about our future and hopes for this new life, two raccoons decided to join us! We laughed and shooed them away, and my husband had one of his very first "culture shocks" - not from his foreign country to mine, but as a city boy now living in the country!
I have to say I love the scene where the couple is holding hands in the street surrounded by trees. I love this picture for one, it's so whimsical and romantic. It reminds me of a picture me and my husband did for our engagement pictures. We did one facing the camera holding hands and then another one walking away holding hands. Right when I saw that picture it just reminded me of that day! :)
My favorite scene from the Winter look book is the scene where they're lying under the make-shift tent made of sheets. I love how her femininity and his ruggedness counteract each other. It's as though opposites attract. This reminds me of my best friend Travis and I. We always say how we want to escape and just camp somewhere. Montana, Malibu, Brazil, wherever our hearts take us. This scene is so simple, but a makeshift getaway is perfect for me. It doesn't have to be extravagant, it just has to be us.
She knows they shouldn't be there, high in the curved branch of the old, mottled oak. It's not like she's eager to become the next Lilias Craven. But at times like this, with his hand gently pressed at the small of her back, she has no fear.
I have a lingering fondness for tree-climbing from childhood memories, danger notwithstanding. My cousin and I spent plenty of summers up an old crab-apple tree that leaned against the back fence at my grandmother's house, overlooking the next yard. We pretended we were wood nymphs, fairies, enemy scouts, warrior goddesses, until one day we were too big to climb the tree without damaging it.
My grandmother's been gone for some years now, and most of the trees in her yard have since fallen or been cut down. That little crab-apple is the only one left standing.
My favorite scene from the lookbook is the scene where they are sitting on a bench with teacups next to them and she's got her head on his shoulder. Everything about it is just so beautiful and peaceful :)
This photo reminds me of the time when I visited my husband's hometown in San Luis Obispo for the first time. Back then, we were still boyfriend & girlfriend. I was so nervous to stay at his parents home, and meet his long time friends. He took me to a place just like the one in this picture and I remember being so fascinated by everything I saw and it made my worries go away.
I grew up in the city and was never really exposed to such places.
It was so intriguing to know that he had grown up right by so much nature.
I love the picture where they sit on the bench when she is leaning her head against him.
That reminds me of me and my boyfriend. When our thing started we used to walk around a lot and always ended up sitting on a bench talking and I love to lean on him like she does in that picture :)
My favorite scene is when they are sitting under the tent. It reminds me of last winter when me and my now boyfriend went to a youth games that thousands of other people from my state go to and camped out on a farm for the weekend. At night there was a town center that had all sorts of things to do. To sum things up we shared our first kiss in the movie tent on the last nigh. It was very romantic.
The scene where she is holding a cup and sitting cross-legged. It reminds me of our honeymoon where we spent our time relaxing in a cabin on the edge of BWCA in Minnesota. So peaceful and happy!
Cherished look 30, where she is decorating a Christmas tree outdoors.
When I was just starting university my dad lost his job of 30 years as the company moved south. It would signal a re-evaluation of all things in life for our family, as the finances were strained and with the shifting of children away from home.
I came home for Christmas in this year to a bleak season. No presents this year, and a pared down Christmas dinner.
Not to be deterred, I decided to create that Christmas feeling despite all the creature comforts that we would lack.
I set out to create a winter wonderland outside our house with lights strung up around the front and back and decorated a spruce tree in the front yard.
The effect was stunning, with glowing lights surrounding our house. It looked like something out of a postcard, and with a foot of snow falling that year for the season, our house was a beacon in the night.
To me that represented a home. My family was there, and we would be together for the holidays and no amount of presents or turkey could take away how wonderful that was.
The scene where they're standing together on a road in the forest reminds me of my wedding day! Across the street from our reception hall was a dirt driveway surrounded by trees. We have a picture from our wedding in that very spot hanging on our wall now, and our wedding day will always be a cherished memory. It was a day that reflected how we are as a couple and the real love that we share.
My favourite scene from the Lookbook is the candle light dinner with the two.
I vividly remember going on vacation to the islands with a loved one.
One particular evening we decided to stay out on a veranda of a friends place and have quiet dinner. We were given little jam jars and caught tiny little fireflies and laid them out across the veranda (along the railings). We then released them back into nature and sat down with a single candle and quietly ate dinner while watching nightfall. It was such a lovely night that still tugs at my heart strings...Sometimes it's those quiet little moments that you keep with you for a long time. You need time away from the stress, away from the hustle and bustle of life.
My favorite scene is when the couple are dancing. The simple romance this moment epitomizes reminds me of the luck and happiness I have experienced in this last year.
I met Chris at a soul dance party last January. We had actually met years before and seen each other often as mutual friends, dating other people and going forward with our lives. I didn't know it until later, but he had always considered me his favorite dance partner, showing up at parties knowing I would be there.
When we met on the dance floor last January, it was as if for the first time. It was from that moment that I "knew" and laughed at myself for not realizing sooner. He had apparently always known, and since that night we have been virtually inseparable.
As winter fast approaches, I remember the cold and incredible moments we have spent together, dancing alone in his kitchen, dancing through the frozen streets after the blizzard, and today, dancing in the home we share together. I look forward to the romance of this holiday season, as if for the first time.
I just LOVE the one where they are sitting on the tree log in the forest AND the one of them on the quilt under a make-shift quilt.
This reminds me of a very recent memory. It was our 13th Wedding anniversary and as a surprise I booked a professional photographer to take photo's of hubby and I (without the kids) for our anniversary. I am so glad I did. She did an amazing job and we BOTH enjoyed the shoot so much, our photos were similar to these two I love. We didn't have money for a professional at our wedding as we were so young. I was 19 and he was 21...
So this was something very special to the both of us!
You can see the similar photos and other gorgeous ones here:
It's all about romance for me! I am a hopeless romantic. Thanks for the chance and the new look book is a stunner!
My favorite scene is when the couple is sitting in the tree. It reminds me of one night when my husband and I randomly decided to climb one of the trees on campus. We just sat in the tree for hours talking (except when people walked by because we didn't want to freak them out). We felt so adventurous even though we didn't even really go anywhere.
I love love love the scene where they are holding hands by a tree (cherished 29). In the second photo they look so dreamy and romantic. It reminds me of the night my boyfriend and I started dating. We went on a late night walk near my house on a trail. The stars and the trees were so still in the night, it was perfect. I can still remember what I was wearing, what he said, and holding hands and smiling silently the whole way home. I'll never forget it.
My favourite scene from the lookbook is when the couple is sitting under the tent that is made out of blankets. I like that scene because it reminds me of all the simple things you can do, to make a moment special. My cherished moment happened to be on my birthday. I had told my partner that I was really sad that harry potter was over for good, and that when I was a child I always got movie tickets to see harry potter for my birthday. So on my birthday, he had come and picked me up, and told me he had a surprise. When I got into the living room, he had the new harry potter movie playing on his tv. I cried because it really hit my heart in a way that was so personal. There was no gifts, just a perfect moment.
My favorite pages in the look book are the couple walking thought he forest holding hands and the couple sitting together in the tree. It is just so romantic walking through a forest, spending quality time together in nature. Not only are you smitten with each other, but you can appreciate the beauty that nature has to share as well. This reminds me of when my husband and I went to Oregon 4 years ago for a summer trip. We walked around through some forest and a daisy field near his parents home just admiring nature and each other. It was beautiful and oh so romantic.
Dear Ruche,
Your Winter lookbook and video left me in reverie!
My favorite scene is where they are holding their hands (page 41) and she is wearing the lovely stagirite striped dress and gorgeous robin ruffles infinity scarf.
The scene brought me cute memories of when my friend and I went to hike to the woods. When I felt tired, he hold my hand. Later that day, he carry me in his back. That was 14 years ago. He is now my husband and best friend as well.
Have a cheerful holiday season!
My favorite scene is where he's leaning against the tree, wrapping his arms around her and the string of lights above them. This reminds me of the moment my husband asked me to marry him because, it was at the first of December, and the place we were at had the trees decorated with Christmas lights and having the feeling of being so deeply in love with each other and being in our own little world which it seems how they are in the picture too.
my favorite scene has to be the one where they are dancing. My boyfriend, who is currently on a two year mission, and I were driving, trying to find something to do when we found a little dock on a river off the road. I spotted it and we spent the day swimming and talking and laying in the sun. On the way back to the car at dusk, he held out his hand and asked me to dance. he turned on his car, turned on his music and we danced holding each other close, next to that secluded river until I was tired. He didn't want to stop dancing so he let me stand on his feet and put my head on his shoulder. It was a beautiful night and truly so close to the one in the look-book. I asked him if he had ever seen anything more beautiful and he kissed me which i think means yes. Afterward we went to my apartment and had the traditional college dinner of Top Roman.
I am going to Marry this kid once he comes home, i will
Oh my goodness, so many of them remind me of wonderful moments. The whole setting reminds me of our honeymoon on the Washington coast and wandering through the rain forests near the Lake Quinault Lodge. If I had to choose just one, it would be the one where they are sitting in the tree. The first night my husband and I expressed our feelings for each other, we went on a long walk. We stopped on a bridge, and talked for a long time. We both admitted that we'd had feelings for each other for some time. After talking, we were both so happy and content, we just walked along in silence as the sun set. At one point, he quietly slipped his hand into mine. When we got to the end of the path, there was a tree with a big branch like this one. We climbed up and just sat there holding hands listening to the river. It was a perfect moment and makes me feel as though part of me knew already that I had found my eternal companion.
It was challenging to pick only one favourite scene. I was drawn to the moment where he made her laugh as she held the coffee mug. The colour palette was very appealing. Everything about this look book is cozy. It reminds me of being in good company on a brisk winter day.
I love the scene in which she is sitting next to the man (with the wonderful sweater with shoulder pads) because she reminds me of myself. I love to drink hot tea, wear pretty rings and wear flowers in my hair. The scene has amazingly calm, beautiful and appealing essence to it. It's like the epitome of my dreams... me and a boy (with nice hair and sweater-wearing) in a beautiful little house in the country. Ah..
i love the photo when they're in the tree together. everything looks so etherial and romantic. i guess it just reminds me of falling in love--when the relationship is brand new and overwhelming. :)
My favorite photo is the one where they are sitting on a bench in a wooded area, just surrounded by nature. This picture reminds me of my husband and I when we were dating in high school. Every weekend we would take off on Sunday and spend the whole day outdoors, fishing etc. We still love to do that even being married six years later. :)
(One) of my favorite scenes is the one of the woods with the girl and guy holding hands.
When I was a little girl, my family would go to the mountains every year for Thanksgiving with my grandma and grandpa. We would often go "exploring", trying to spot bears and other wild animals or take walks in the evenings when the dimness cast mesmerizing shadows along the path, but having my dad and grandpa to hold my hand made it not scary, but an adventure. My grandfather has since passed away. Time has a way of sometimes fuzzying things, but the memory of those years spent enjoying nature and enjoying each other will forever be mine to cherish.
The scene where they're sitting on a bench in the woods.
My parents have a bench so much like that in the woods behind their house. Each of us has signed our names on it.
i really thought that the scene where she was hanging the ornaments on the trees was my favorite. I really loved it because I've always enjoyed hanging ornaments with my family and we would always get to choose a special ornament every year for the family. It was very memorable!
When I was a little girl, my family lived in the house my great grandfather built, with an old barn in the back. He hand-sawed the planks and laid the stone foundation himself with the help of his brother and their neighbors, back when the farm was a thriving community. The barn was full of all sorts of remnants of the working history of the farm- all the old tools and tractors and tins and bits of things, lying around unused by the time I was born. I used to play in there all the time, wondering what everything was for. I remember it was always warm in there, even in winter, and at Christmas we strung lights all over the barn and the house, and in the snow it glowed as you drove up the drive. In my memory, it was such a warm wonderful place, through all seasons, and the scene where she is standing in front of the barn reminds me so strongly of those years of my life, with all the old bits of history around her, their original purpose unknown.
My favorite scene is where the couple are sitting on a bench in the woods with two mugs of what I assume to be of hot steaming goodness! My cherished memory this photograph inspires takes place about four years ago on my first date with my boyfriend. We went an event called "Christmas in the Park." We met at the end of summer before I flew to Paris to study abroad. We kept in touch while I was abroad, but missed each other terribly. Longing for our first official date, I flew home early just in time for Christmas, ( snuggling on a bench, sipping hot cocoa, people watching and Christmas decorations admiring in the woods)! :-)
Looking at this photograph from the lookbook makes me feel so nostalgic and think about how much our relationship has grown since. After this comment, I must go dig up those old photographs from that day! Haha
Thanks for doing another giveaway! Love ShopRuche!
i like scene where she is sitting with a cup of tea
The scene where they are sitting on the bench and she is holding the cup...it reminds me of my first love. I grew up on a farm that had a meadow with old wooden stuff laying around that we would fashion into something to lay on. We would take blankets and thermos' of hot cocoa and just watch the day end together...
I really like the series of photos where they are decorating the christmas tree. It reminds me of this dinky little artificial christmas tree I got for my boyfriend (now fiancé) 2 Christmas ago. It was our first Christmas tree :)
The scene where she's on the bridge makes me think of my grandparents cabin where my family always gathers for holidays. It's so rustic and peaceful. Lovely!
I love the scene where they are decorating the tree. It reminds me of the 1st time me and my man decorated the tree. Such a cute time in our relationship. I love the holiday with all the warm and cozyness! These are such great pictures.
The scene where they're hanging ornaments together on the "threadbare" tree. It reminds me of my first Christmas with my husband--we had hardly any ornaments, save the few that had been passed down to us from our parents. So our tree was rather barren, yet each ornament we placed on there held a special meaning from our childhood. We have continued that tradition to this day, making each Christmas special by getting each other a new ornament every year that holds an important meaning.
My favourite scene from the lookbook is the one where she's sitting, knees crossed, on the dock, smiling into her cup of tea and surrounded by this beautiful scenery.
Me and my lovely friends have held many many tea parties, and although we always started small by chatting, cheering each other up in cold and harder times and enjoying the warmth of the tea,
at the end of the day we were dancing, singing and laughing our hearts out. Those days meant so much to me, and gave me courage, spirit and inspiration for the next couple of weeks.
Right now most of them started college and I'm not seeing them as frequently as I did before.
But looking at this picture made me smile immediately, feeling the warm tea and giggles in my stomach again.
I think I will send my lovely friends an email right away, to invite them for another memorable day.
I love the photos of the couple lying under the "tent," especially when her head is on his chest. It reminds me of my first date with my boyfriend. I was wearing a summer dress as it was one of the first warm May days, and he was dapper with a button down, vest, and handlebar mustache. After walking through the antique shops in my hometown of Baltimore, MD, and enjoying gelato, we wandered to a park where the grass was so soft, we couldn't help but lay down in it. It was a precious day, and one that over the next eighteen months of our long distance relationship (and very rare visits during that time, we saw each other only four times during all this!) I would hold onto.
Now, happily in time for the holidays, we are living together in the picturesque mountain town of Breckenridge, framed by the glorious Rockies of Colorado.
Money is extremely tight and we can hardly afford to pay for Ramen noodles right now, so a new dress for Christmas is out of the question. A $50 gift certificate to Ruche would be a blessing and make the both of us so happy to wear it for Christmas dinner! Thank you!
I Shared this video on Facebook!!
I shared this video with Twitter!!!
My favourite is the scene in which the couple are decorating the "Charlie Brown Christmas"-type tree in the forest.
The scene reminds me of the first time my boyfriend and I went searching for our Christmas tree at an Evergreen tree farm in Niagara. It was a gorgeous fall evening and I remember our cheeks were rosy from the cool breeze. We drank hot chocolate and walked around looking for that perfect tree to bring home and when we found it I laid beneath the tree in the dirt and cut it down. When I got back up I remember my boyfriend being so surprised that I was the one who cut it down and the way the male is looking at the female in this scene reminds me of how I remember him looking at me. It was a moment of pure adoration that I cherish.
I love the scenes in the shed. It has such a warm rustic feel and it reminds me of when my grandfather used to let me sneak a sip of his homemade dandelion wine in the shed.
This whole lookbook evokes a sentimental, romantic feeling...it makes me want to be a kid again, wandering through the woods on a hike with my family.
The scene I like the best is the one with the couple under the makeshift tent. I brings back so many memories...when my sisters and I were younger, we would build forts with blankets and tablecloths, using our beds or chairs if we were inside, and the trees if it was warm enough to be outside. We would have parties in our tents, just us three, and we'd talk in whispers with a flashlight illuminating our faces. In our tents we could eat cookies, read aloud to each other, and have adventures...they were like a magical doorway to another world, a new place. We would even dress up sometimes, as pioneer girls or renaissance princesses. We would do it with our cousins too.
It was always so much fun, and a treasured memory to all of us.
My favorite scene is the couple laying in the grass and she has her head resting on the guy's chest. This scene reminds me of my first date with my now husband. After we eat, we returned to college and lay down on the grass. He leaned against a tree and I in his chest. I'll never forget that feeling of being near him at that time.
the scene I love the most is where the couple are sitting on the tree branch together.
It doesn't remind me of sitting in a tree with my boyfriend, but of sharing simple, honest childish moments together like playing hide and seek with my family or building sandcastles on the beach.
Oooh - such a gorgeous lookbook! :) I love the scenes where they're walking hand-in-hand - the forest reminds me so much of British Columbia, and I have so many fond memories of tromping through the brush with my husband, warming up with hot cocoa on days that are almost too cold to camp... :)
First off, love the lookbook. My favorite image was the one with the oversized beige sweater, and printed navy bluish dress, where she is leaning against the fence. The close up of the ring is really amazing, and it pairs so nicely with the sweater. This image reminds me of the chilly winter nights when I like to bundle up in a sweater. It sparks great memories of being downtown on a wintery night in Chicago, going ice skating and taking a horse carriage ride around water tower center. I love when they light the trees - it feels so Christmasy.
I love the shot of the girl wearing the woodcrest trail knit cardigan near the wooden bridge. The tall trees and bridge remind me of a birding excursion my husband and I went on in Alabama. My family was watching our children so the break was extra nice. It was so quiet in the woods and we walked along wooden planks holding hands and our binoculars. I even saw my first yellow bellied sapsucker. It was freezing that day and this sweater would have been nice. Here's to nature, beautiful clothes and bird nerd love. Thanks!
Seeing the image of the couple beneath the white canopy-tent evokes a memory I have not visited in some time. This is a different kind of love-story—the kind between siblings.
My brother and I were never emotionally close, as a mental disability disallows him from letting anyone into his secret, inner world. Although I’m the younger sister, I grew up feeling like the older, mature one—taking care of him, yet tagging along as is expected of the in-awe little sister who wants nothing more than big brother’s approval. I was rough, tomboyish, determined, feisty. I was beaten, broken, bullied, and even bloodied at times—but I did not retreat. I thought I could break through to him and earn his respect with my resilience, my stubbornness, and my penchant for all the things he liked: superheroes, adventure, fantasy. Constantly, I was pushed away.
Things changed during the summer. I was let into his world. We would built a “tent” on our back porch, linking ropes from our father’s scrap box and draping them with battered old sheets knotted and clothespinned together. It was a motley, Frankenstenian thing—but it was ours. So perfectly, it was us. Outside this tent, we may have fought like the metaphorical cat and dog but within it was a silence, peacefulness, and mutual understanding that this was love the way it was meant to be. Just like the couple in the photograph, we found our smiles and freedom—a kind of secrecy in which we felt a little bigger than normal because we had a “secret hideout” and a little smaller, too, because there we were, on the edge of a larger world, children hiding-out from the grownups, just as the couple appears almost to fade into the larger, natural world around them. They are like runaway children forgetting something—everything but themselves. My brother and I were like that, too, once. It’s a shame we can’t go back.
I like the scene where they're standing hand in hand on the path surrounded by trees, it reminds me Ireland. I went there with my boyfriend and we went to visit Malahide Castle. We walked holding our hands on a path in the woods like this. <3
The scene where the girl is having what looks like a romantic dinner for two. The single candle between them shows their fire of romance and it reminds me of the time when my boyfriend surprised me for the first time with a romantic dinner for two where he set the table and cooked the food. The feeling of love and being the only two in the universe was felt that night between my love and I and is shown beautifully in this scene! <3 <3
I love the scene where the couple is walking in the woods holding hands. My favorite part is the moment when he looks at her and flashes a big smile. You can see in that moment that he is truly captivated by her. This reminds me of a similar memory of a boyfriend having that exact same look with me. It did not involve any spoken words. There was just the look in his eyes combined with a great big smile. I knew at that point he was completely enamored by me. It gave me such a warm feeling inside and actually made my heart flutter. Even though I am no longer with that person, that feeling is one I will treasure always. This scene embodies what true love really feels like!
The scene: Where they are sitting in the big tree together.
This is just a heart warming image for me. It brings to mind the feeling of young love and how it can make you feel young at heart. It made me smile the most out of all the great images. This one and the tent from what looks to be a table cloth. Both deliver the same feeling.
It also brought to mind when I was a little girl and spent time at my grandparents house. I used to climb the trees with my cousins and I would get stuck every time. I would love the climb up, but was always afraid to come down. My grandfather would get him ladder and lovingly coax me down. I can still hear his warm voice like it was yesterday and see his salt and pepper curly hair and his big smile. Once he got me down he would wipe my face and ask me the same thing every time, "Well you know you would get stuck, why did you climb it again?" To which I would answer, "Because it was fun to go up." Then he would pick me up and say maybe next time you can do it by yourself and then he would give me a piece of candy or some treat. I really miss him, but the very sweet memories I cherish.
I like the scene where the man and the woman are enjoying a cup of hot beverage. Drinking tea is one of the things that my SO and I bonded over and on my birthday last month we made tea and went for a walk in the forest together.
I LOVE the outfit from #16. The coat and the dress are amazing. The forest remind me of hiking trips I took with my cousins and friends.
The photo of them decorating the tree with ornaments reminds me of how me and my sweet hubby go out in the forest hunting for the perfect tree every winter in the snow :)
I love this new look book, its so sweet :)
The scene where the model wears the vibrant pink hat reminds me of, not a romantic memory but, a memory I will never forget as a child. I had a hat much like that when I was younger, in fact I wore it when I stole ice cream, haha. I grew up in a house that was above a convenience store -- which my uncle owned -- my sister and I would sometimes sneak into the store and ask if we could have some free ice cream, which my uncle was kind enough to give, which would then anger my mom who does not want my sister and I to be the reason why my uncle might run out of business. One day, my sister and I (wearing my lovely pink hat) decided to become smarty-pants and ran out to our balcony (quite low) and asked my cousin (my uncle's son) to go grab a variety of ice cream, while my sister and I tied a skipping rope to a small plastic yellow pail and threw it over the balcony. Once my cousin came out of the store with the ice cream, he quickly placed it in the bucket and my sister reeled the bucket in as fast as we could before my mum came out.
When I visit my old house, I try to recreate the situation, but its never as good as the first time. I still can't seem to stop smiling every time I share this story with others.
I love the scene where she is putting up the christmas star on the christmas tree and she is helping him. This is a memory for me that has not yet occured but will this christmas because I just got married. I am so excited to have my first christmas with my husband and decorate our first christmas tree together and start our own tradition. I loved this lookbook and the video too cute!
“She wore a raspberry beret. The kind you find in a second-hand store.”
In this iconic 80’s song about teenage romance, Prince describes his partner’s beret as raspberry in color, not merely red or burgundy or dark pink. It was a unique beret worn by a special woman.
When I was very young, my friends and I couldn’t get enough of “Raspberry Beret” for it described what we visualized in a first love. Back then, we would have killed for a raspberry-colored beret like the one featured in the Ruche Winter Lookbook. Now, all these years later, I see a raspberry beret and I’m transported back to a youthful time when all we dreamed about was romance and perhaps a dreamy walk through the woods wearing a raspberry beret; and in the end, of course, a kiss.
I love page 67 where they are underneath a fort in the forest. It reminds me of me and my husband who are regular fort builders for our two little girls in our livingroom. We eat inside our forts with a flash light while daddy reads a storybook. The girls love it and let's be honest, I love it too! :)
I just adore the moment when she and her man are sitting at a small table with a beautiful golden candle lit between them. This moment gives me an intense flashback to the days when I would sit in the kitchen with my mom and dad in the weeks before Christmas, admiring the golden tapers at the center of the table. The days when there was no stress or anxiety about the holidays, when all that existed was the happy anticipation of Christmas morning....
I love the image where they are holding hands on the path in the forest. The imagery in this lookbook are fantastic!! This particular image reminds me of one of our engagement shots we took (5 years ago :). It also reminds me of a hiking path on Kennesaw Mountain that we like to hike in the summer time.
anniegmurdock at gmail dot com
Cherished scene 26 (with the armful of pinecones)evokes the firewood gathering missions my brothers and I would embark on during crisp twilight evenings. Bundled in cozy sweaters and boots, we would scamper to and fro in the Virginia forest, startling the occasional deer and trying overzealously to outdo one another with the amount of kindling we could carry. After dusk, Jack Frost would start nipping at our noses, prompting us to return home to mugs of hot cocoa and a crackling fire!
Kendra - BlondeFYI@gmail.com
I always love your lookbooks and this one is no exception. I have to say though, there is one scene that made my heart start pounding and gave me instant butterflies. It's the one where there is a woman sitting next to a man on a bench in the middle of the woods. See, I adored my husband for two years before he ever asked me on a real date. He drove me up into the mountains and surprised me with a picnic and with canvases and paints. We sat in the forest and just talked and painted and fell in love as if we were the first people to ever love before. We've been married for almost 12 years now, but I still have the little wildflower bouquet he handed me on that day. Thank you for taking me back there.
I love the dreamy scene where she is peering out the window of the cabin.
From as early in my life as I could remember until the house and land had been sold and my grandfather had been moved into a nursing home and my grandmother had been moved into an apartment building across the street and then my grandmother had been moved into the nursing home and then my grandfather had died and finally my grandmother after that, my family had driven the four hours to their Ozark home visit them. The house stood on a narrow tract of land that extended behind the house and the sheds and my grandfather’s garden I didn’t know how far, across the street (or would you call it a road?) from railroad tracks. Engines barrelled down them at night, blasting their horns and compelling me to call out to them as they passed. The dogs would howl and I'd shout, "Me too!". As we crunched down the gravel road towards the house, the meaty stench of the Bow Wow dog food factory next door gave way to the homey smell of hickory smoke lingering in the air long after the fire had been extinguished, a smell that would weave into the fabric of my coat where I’d bury my face as I fell asleep on the long drive home at the end of weekend visits to Grandma Esther and Papa’s house.
Hi ruche!!! I'm so happy that picked my memory!!! I loved all the pictures and they brought back such good memories! I contacted you on FB as well to see what I need to do next about contest? The best email address for me is kpalmitr@gmail.com. I can't wait to go shoping!!!!
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