Just a little update: Ruche continues to be thankful for our friends and photographers, Stephanie Williams and Isaac Hurtado. As you may recall, Isaac became paralyzed after a critical surgery. We're happy to announce that Isaac's pain is starting to reside and he should be transferred out of ICU soon. He still has a long road to recovery, but there is a lot of hope and love in the air as Isaac remains his cheerful self. Thank you, everyone, for your incredible support! While we continue with Steph and Isaac on the road to recovery, we're happy to introduce our newest photographer and talent behind our fall lookbook, Brandon Kidd.
Ruche: How did you start out in photography and why did you choose this path?
BK: I always loved photography and appreciated good photographs at a young age. So much so that my parents actually bought me my first 35mm at the age of 13 for a Christmas present one year. I loved it so much that I brought it with me everywhere I went. Constantly documenting people, places and life as it happens, I suppose some things never change. Its hard to call photography my career because I would realistically do it for free. (shhhh dont tell my clients) But I know that because I love it as much, if not more then the day I started, that it is a path I know I was meant to be on. It allows me to express a thought or a vision, the opportunity to tell a story and the ability to create art. I dont think you can create a better job if you tried. I thank Jesus everyday for the opportunity to do what I love and giving me the desires of my heart in this capacity.

Ruche: What do you think is the most important aspect of getting a great picture? Lighting? Composition? Model?
BK: We offer a wide variety of photography services from portraits to fashion to commercial. There are so many things that go into making up a good picture. But I think in order to capture a truly great image you need to think about the end product first. What story are you trying to tell and focus on the key elements that are going to convey that message. Of course composition and lighting are important elements but they are nothing without feelings or emotions.

Ruche: What do you love most about wedding photography or photography in general?
BK: One of the reasons I love photography so much is to have the ability to document and tell stories visually through creating artistic images. I also love seeing new places, meeting new people and capturing all the different stories that are out there in this world! Whether that be of two lives coming together on a wedding day or of a story line for a fashion shoot! It never gets old to me!

Ruche: Who are your favorite photographers/who's work do you follow? Do you read photography blogs, forums or websites? Which ones?
BK: When I have time the list of photographers and blogs I read for inspiration goes on and on. Every personal has a unique and special gift about them that I find encouraging, motivating and inspirational. I try not to spend too much time comparing my work to others but rather focusing on what I do and bettering the way I tell each of my clients stories.
love this interview & his photos! This look book is AMAZING! :)
Thank you, Laura!
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