Our countdown to Valentine's Day continues! ♥
Love Story: Found Love on the Internet
--Amanda, from Little Tranquility

Back in May of 2011, a friend of mine wanted me to check out his dating profile. I joked with him and said that maybe I should make a profile and set my location to the DC area, since I'd be moving there in a little over a month. He said that seemed like a fine idea, so, that's what I did.
Internet dating is one of those things that people either love or hate. I happen to think it makes perfect sense; I just never thought it would be something I'd be interested in doing myself. But, I mean, who wants to meet someone in a bar? Nobody likes blind dates and if you aren't a social butterfly, meeting new people can be tricky. I'm a very shy person, so I never really thought I'd casually meet someone in public and actually be interested in them. After realizing these things, internet dating suddenly seemed like not only a good idea, but the greatest idea and I went from joking about it, to taking it seriously.
I received a message from a guy named Andrew who stood out to me. Unlike the cliche look-at-me-I'm-also-witty messages I was receiving from other guys on the site, his message was sincere, sweet, and literally made me laugh. He just seemed like a nice person. I had to respond, and for some reason, I felt I needed to prove to him that I wasn't as pretentious as I made myself seem in my profile. There was something about him... I can't explain it. Even before our first real conversation, I knew something big was going to happen.
And just like that, my life changed.
Talking via email/messages on the site turned into adding each other on Facebook, exchanging phone numbers for texting, and then we moved on to (the best part) Skyping.

Andrew and I Skyped daily and we became very close. I thought about him constantly. I felt like I was 14 again! I had this obnoxious permanent smile on my face at all times. I never thought I could feel so alive. I hope everyone is able to feel what I felt at some point in their lives because it's absolutely exhilarating!
I decided to fly out to DC to help my friends move into our new place. I also just really wanted to meet Andrew. So, I got my ticket, and we started counting down the days until my arrival!
It went from 16 days to 13 days to 10 days to 7 days to 3 days to 1 day... We were full of tummy-knots and smiles! I was soooo nervous. Even though we talked every day for a month for over two hours each time, I was still afraid to meet him in person! I was also really really thrilled of course! I was a jumbled mess of emotions. Shaky, excited, nervous, worried - the whole deal! But, once I got to the airport, I was beyond happy. I couldn't believe I was actually going to FINALLY meet Andrew! The plane took off, and that was that. I was on my way!
When I landed in DC, my nerves were pretty steady. It was strange because I thought I'd be super freaked out, but I surprised myself. When I turned my phone on, I had a text from Andrew saying, "Welcome to DC!! :) :)" and I was all smiles!
My friend picked me up and we had to run a few errands first before she brought me to meet Andrew. The traffic was awful and the hours kept passing. Then finally we were ready to go. I called Andrew to make sure the directions were right, and we were both so giggly on the phone. We couldn't believe this was actually happening! I was in the same place he was! And we were actually going to MEET! In PERSON! In REAL LIFE! We weren't just going to be images on a screen anymore. I knew I had so much to look forward to.
On the way to Andrew's apartment, I was sending him the screenshots I was taking of the Google map directions I had up on my phone. With every turn, my stomach was getting tighter and tighter!
"I'm so nervous! What if I faint???"
"I'll catch you! Oh my god, Andrew! We're almost there!!!"
The streets around his apartment are really confusing. I think my friend and I passed his place more than once. We parked and I told him I was going to get out and find him. He said he'd come downstairs.
"I'm looking at a yellow bakery,"
"I'm walking toward a yellow bakery..."
And then we both had minor heart attacks.
I think we spotted each other at the same time. We were still talking on the phone as he crossed the street and walked up to me.
"Why are we still on the phone!"
"I don't know!"

I grabbed him and held him close and we both sort of lost our balance. I thought my knees were going to give out under me. Neither of us could catch our breath. We just held hands and laughed and looked at each other and hugged over and over again. He made a comment about how it was cute that I was so shaky, and then he hugged me again which made it worse. My cheeks hurt from smiling. My hands went numb. I was feeling every emotion possible.
Andrew was everything I thought he'd be and more. He's a gentleman, he's smart, he's funny, he's even cuter in person somehow, and most importantly, he makes me feel like the most important, beautiful girl in the world. He encourages me, compliments me, and kisses me in the sweetest ways. I can't help but squeeze him as hard as I can to make sure he's real.
I don't know what more to say. He's perfect, and I'm so happy he found me.
--Amanda, from Little Tranquility
See the previous Love Stories here! If you would like to submit your story and join our Ruche Blogger Family, please send an e-mail to blog@shopruche.com. You may attach up to 5 photos. Please try to keep your stories to a 1200 word limit. You will receive an e-mail when your story is selected.
that story is seriously adorable!
this is so sweet! i wish them both well!!
Oh my, he's gorgeous!
I agree with J.R.C.-he IS gorgeous! This is such a sweet story. I thank them for sharing it with us & wish them the best in all of their future endeavors together :o)
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